Six greenhouse gases are reported on: carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, and sulphur hexafluoride.
He said improved security systems would be installed around the health board's nitrous oxide stocks.
About 40% of the nitrous oxide emitted is from human activity, according to WMO estimates.
AstraZeneca has doped its version of a COX-2 inhibitor with nitrous oxide--laughing gas--to soften the gastrointestinal blow.
Carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide were now more prevalent in the atmosphere than at any time since the industrial revolution.
This would lessen the need to burn coal and oil, and lead to reduced emissions of carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide.
BBC: Impact of global warming may be severe and wide-ranging
Nitrous oxide has also been linked to a small number of fatalities.
Unlike hybrids, even newer diesels run afoul of emissions laws because they produce more particulate matter and smog-forming nitrous oxide than gasoline engines.
The latest data from the WMO also shows that emissions of nitrous oxide are 20% higher than in the preindustrial era, and are accelerating.
Concentrations of nitrous oxide, estimated to be nearly 300 times more potent than carbon dioxide, rose slightly to a record 324 parts per billion.
The FDA has recently focused on the illegal use of nitrous oxide, and this was its largest case to date, said special agent Lisa Hartsell.
Police in the Borders are investigating the possibility that boy racers may have been behind a spate of thefts and attempted thefts of Nitrous Oxide.
As fuel it uses liquid nitrous oxide and solid polythene plastic.
Nitrous Oxide is an anaesthetic normally found in hospitals and dentists.
The greenhouse gases surveyed include not only carbon dioxide but also methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), ozone (O3), and fluoride-containing gases that contribute to climate change.
FORBES: EPA Greenhouse Gas Inventory Shows 6 Percent Drop In CO2
The Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs is also calling for greater public awareness of the dangers of laughing gas - nitrous oxide - and helium.
In early-stage human trials in May 2000, scientists observed 66% fewer stomach erosions in 31 patients treated with a nitrous oxide version of a COX-2 inhibitor versus naproxen.
This simple move, documented in a U.S. Department of Energy report will cut emissions of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrous oxide and other emissions significantly while reducing costs.
The Swiss-based United Nations agency, which uses data from more than 50 countries to compile the report, also detailed rises in other greenhouse gases including methane and nitrous oxide.
Moreover, soil containing biochar releases less methane and less nitrous oxide than its untreated counterparts, probably because the charcoal acts as a catalyst for the destruction of these gases.
ECONOMIST: Biochar could enrich soils and cut greenhouse gases as well
He's known for performing "cryosurgery"--a form of surgery that uses liquid nitrogen or nitrous oxide to freeze off cancerous tumors rather than cutting them out or amputating the host limb.
Los Angeles County sheriff's officials have zeroed in on the recreational use of nitrous oxide since September, cracking down on more than 350 illegal parties, spokesman Mike Parker said Thursday.
Nitrous oxide, emitted into the atmosphere from natural and man-made sources, including biomass burning and fertiliser use, was 323.2 parts per billion in 2010 - 20%higher than in the pre-industrial era.
Emissions of nitrous oxide -- 40% of which are estimated to come from human activity -- reached 324.2 ppb, up one ppb on the 2010 figure and 120% higher than pre-industrial times.
Nitrous oxide is also considered a greenhouse gas and is 310 times more dangerous to the Earth's ozone layer than carbon dioxide, said Joseph Johns, chief of the U.S. attorney's environmental crimes section.
"Biocatalyst life span and poisoning -- by things like nitrous oxide, sulfur dioxide and other impurities - will be the issues determining how feasible it is and how cost effective it is, " he said.
The WMO data, meanwhile, confirms that atmospheric concentrations of the three gases principally responsible for the man-made component of the greenhouse effect - carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide - all rose during 2009.
The industrial and French revolutions, which produced anxiety on a vast scale, saw De Quincey on opium, Coleridge on laudanum and Davy, in his chemical laboratory, giggling and whooping helplessly as he sniffed nitrous oxide gas.
Cheap gas and environmental legislation under the Clean Air Act, aimed at emissions of sulphur dioxide, nitrous oxide and mercury (but not carbon dioxide) from dirty coal plants, accelerated a trend that is set to continue.
Those estimates are based on full fuel-cycles, combine all steps in the use of a fuel from production to consumption, and include carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane, the three major greenhouse gases emitted by motor vehicles.