"There is no good reason for Apple to not include information about privacy practices on their Siri FAQ page, " Ozer said in an email message.
Liberal Democrat MP Alan Beith asked the minister how to ensure the work of probation officers with prisoners could not be undermined by prisoners being moved "from prison to prison, for no good reason or for entirely administrative reasons"?
We are better than that. (Applause.) And today, insurance companies can no longer drop or deny your coverage for no good reason.
WHITEHOUSE: Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Phoenix Awards Dinner | The White House
Mr Wooley said he had contacted Cornwall Council on Thursday to arrange a meeting with Acas, but this was turned down "for no good reason" and another meeting had been set up for Wednesday.
So you will not be followed or have you home entered for no good reason.
We showed them that if just one company got acquired, the awards would change considerably for no good reason.
The urge to perform feats of strength for no good reason seems to be deeply embedded in the male psyche.
Jeff Duncan, spokesman for the Save the Scottish Regiments Campaign, said Scotland was losing something very important for no good reason.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Army regiments merger goes ahead
NYPD's stop-and-frisk policy is extremely unpopular with minorities, who feel they often get stopped by police officers for no good reason.
Worst of all, these costs have been incurred for no good reason.
She takes him to a fancy party, then doesn't want to dance with him for ... well ... for no good reason, really.
The Rangers finally gave away the momentum when Boyle slashed Ribeiro for no good reason in front of a referee near the Rangers' net.
Patricia Lynch QC, prosecuting, said Mr Esherwood was accused by one of the pub's customers, Peter Blake, of hitting him "for no good reason".
We found that investment advisory fees paid by pensions for actively managed accounts are exceptionally high and have crept higher over time for no good reason.
FORBES: Why Pension Investment Advisory Fees Are So High (January 1, 2003 )
Anyone who disagrees with the review consensus of DMC, the Devil May Cry reboot from Ninja Theory and Capcom, is just whining for no good reason apparently.
Beyond anger, some expressed sadness for the seemingly defenseless older woman who, they felt, bravely suffered the slings and arrows flung at her for no good reason at all.
"While nobody suffered any financial loss, Co-op's actions meant that a significant number of people had the resolution of their valid complaints delayed for no good reason, " she added.
Four out of 50 trusts studied, said the draft report, had "suspended" large numbers of patients from the waiting list for no good reason in order to manipulate their lists.
And although staunch believers in Goldilocks insist that this is a case of Mr Greenspan putting an end to the fun for no good reason, he would be right to act.
ECONOMIST: Like all good things, bull markets eventually come to an end
Mr Straw is at present blunting the teeth of the government's promised freedom of information bill, a landmark piece of liberal legislation which Labour made much of in opposition, but which it has already delayed for no good reason.
Sure, include a remastered soundtrack and make them look all spiffed up for the Blu-Ray, but give us the old films back, not the new bastardized versions Lucas foisted upon us for no good reason other than vanity and boredom.
The Man Booker does so much horse trading, has so many arguments, and people talk complete nonsense about it and occasionally choose ridiculously bad books for no good reason, but all of that is done behind closed doors so you never see it.
FORBES: Not The Booker's Sam Jordison Considers Self-Publishing Award
Now, for no very good reason, that has come to be seen as second-best.
Those who are successful have no reason to apologize for their good choices.
FORBES: What Good Are Republicans If They Can't Protect Us From Class Warfare?
The Texas cowboys rode nothing but geldings for some cowboy reason of their own and you can imagine they are no good for breeding purposes.