Listen to me, I promise you that no harm will come to the children.
In this way, the MCM adheres to the Hippocratic Oath of development: first, do no harm.
"Some call this the 'no harm, no foul' case, " says NOW's executive director Kathy Rodgers.
It does no harm to review what happened in the former U.S.S.R. last year.
And we will do no harm to the parts of our system that are working.
The ethical principle at the heart of this policy is simple: Do No Harm.
Each waved pieces of white rag apparently to show they meant no harm to anyone.
We'll see how Lukasz performs in that period but he has obviously done himself no harm.
Part of Thain's job, like that of a good physician, is to do no harm.
But labels ought not be lulled into believing that digital delivery can do them no harm.
At the minimum the Obama Administration needs to do no harm in this situation.
In essence, they were recommending a high-tech Hippocratic oath: First, do no harm (to the Internet).
These reforms are also built on the most fundamental of medical tenets: do no harm.
Despite widespread abuse, some selective-distribution deals do benefit consumers, and others cause no harm.
He accepts that last year's hot UK summer and the football World Cup did sales no harm.
As we know from further research, there is no harm-free threshold at which you can smoke safely.
FORBES: No Free Speech For Beyonc��! Says New York Times Writer
It did you no harm, of course, because there was a reprint on the book straight afterwards.
BBC: News | NEWSNIGHT | Jonathan Franzen interview transcript
The state cannot enforce it, only nudge us in the right direction by first doing no harm.
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Co-ordinating American and Chinese efforts in the Gulf of Aden has certainly done no harm to ties.
"And I am aware of three studies (elsewhere) that showed no harm, " he wrote in an e-mail.
Doctors can continue to do no harm, while researchers brace themselves for exciting, and unsettling, times to come.
We feel secure regarding these countries not because of any formalities but because they wish us no harm.
They lost a day of their Convention out of an abundance of caution but it did them no harm.
And our belief is based on the fundamental ethical precept of medicine is that we first do no harm.
There is no harm in the new mayor being more conciliatory than Mr Giuliani, who often created enemies needlessly.
It was the kind of stop that will do Hart's chances of making England's World Cup squad no harm.
"It has to be not only a demonstration of efficacy, Barter says, "but also that there is no harm.
You get what you ask for, and there is no harm in asking.
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One of the first rules in diplomacy--economic or otherwise--is to do no harm.
Staying out has done the City no harm: its current difficulties arise from the general weakness of financial markets.