But there was no sense of surrender about the manner in which he played here.
No sense buying a recent comic book and preserving it in a vault for 50 years.
There is no reek of nostalgia about it, no sense that Mr Heaney is repeating himself.
ECONOMIST: The Irish poet's new collection is his best for years
For Nokia to have become a me, too Android phone supplier made no sense at all.
During this period, it makes no sense to conduct diplomacy or to make any initiatives.
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Imam Ammar Amonette, of the Islamic Center of Virginia, said the move made "no sense whatsoever".
BBC: Tamerlan Tsarnaev's secret Virginia burial upsets locals
Samsung doesn't offer video apps on the fridge because that would make no sense, he said.
The people who moan about potholes on Johannesburg's radio phone-in programmes have no sense of perspective.
If one or more pieces are out of whack, the puzzle makes no sense.
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The notion that in some ways we would treat them as expendable makes no sense.
Loose confederations of quasi-independent nations states with no sense collective identity are not among them.
My colleagues helped, explaining all sorts of technical tasks that made no sense to me.
Day trading, which made no sense even in the best of times, is now 100% illusory.
Fashion makes no sense, he says, unless it serves the primary purpose of dressing people.
But now it simply makes no sense for me to continue to build miles on American.
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And there's no sense of resignation in Wolf's singing, just a ferocious declration of independence.
Schoen is in no sense a political extremist, yet he is eager to stifle dissent.
The free cash flow multiplier is 13 compared with 20 for Disney which makes no sense.
"There is no sense of whether this directive even applies to web search logs, " he said.
"At the end of the day, there's no sense lying about your employment status, " Williams says.
There were some moments of other languages and some stuff that made no sense.
To a lot of people, the current yield on government bonds just makes no sense.
Whatever the case, punishing the Democrats would appear to make no sense from a political perspective.
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And there was no sense of urgency about it or anything like that, there was nothing.
You try to talk to him and he would say things and they made no sense.
So it makes no sense to carve out a legal exception for smartphone searches.
She said there was "no sense of crisis, but there is a sense of urgency".
It makes no sense to pay out dividends that exceed the cash flow available for distribution.
Likewise, including anti-used games DRM in the machine would make no sense for Sony.
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It makes no sense, either in the context of the situation or the characters involved.
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