But no sooner do they succeed in doing so than he turns the tables on them.
WSJ: 'Coriolanus': Nothing Plebeian About Him | Shakespeare Theatre Company | By Terry Teachout
But no sooner had the swap taken place than Cyprus equalised through dangerman Okkas.
But no sooner did Barack Obama ascend to the Presidency, then the country split asunder.
No sooner had goal-scorer Semshov been replaced by Tottenham's Pavlyuchenko than Russia retook the lead.
No sooner have I acquainted myself with the great cherry than the season is nearly over.
No sooner did that conflict end than we put on our myopic glasses again.
No sooner have you opened the packaging than you're already yearning for the upgrade.
In Europe, no sooner was one can kicked down the road than another one showed up.
FORBES: What The World Needs Now Is A New Gerald Ford To Tell Debtors To Drop Dead
No sooner had I finished than I picked up rumblings of what I was up against.
No sooner was the video up than thousands of people across the world wanted to see.
BBC: Irishman Liam Keane's dip in giant pothole is YouTube hit
No sooner than the police brought her back she was out again through the window.
No sooner had the legal proceedings regarding the Clemenceau ended than the global financial crisis began.
No sooner had Thai police arrested Mr Hambali than American agents whisked him off for interrogation.
No sooner had the match restarted then the Lions opened their account with a sparkling score.
But no sooner had I stuffed one in my mouth that I saw that they were vegan.
No sooner did I have this thought, however, than I began to drift off into pleasant semiconsciousness.
FORBES: The Old South rises again at the Spa at Sea Island, Georgia.
No sooner had Thomson put his yellow card back in his pocket than Rangers doubled their lead.
No sooner has one legal tussle ended, than another potential courtroom brawl rears its 3.7-inch screen.
ENGADGET: New 'iphone' launches in Brazil, lawyers cancel Christmas break
No sooner was that fire out than a decade-old legal battle with Wal-Mart and other big retailers climaxed.
No sooner had Lien returned from Singapore than his government was talking about reinvigorating the "Go South" policy.
No sooner had the G7 statement been issued than there was widespread debate over what it really meant.
Of course, no sooner is he invited than he receives n anonymous phone call warning him not to go.
With Benedict due to depart on February 28, the cardinals' conclave ordinarily would start no sooner than March 15.
But no sooner had they been formed than the shipping lines began to announce rate rises one by one.
No sooner had Mr Mitsuzuka fallen on his sword than the package was winging its way through the Diet.
But no sooner did people start to debate enterprise in St Petersburg than the doubts began to crowd in.
No sooner was the term coined than big business queued up to claim that it was building new third places.
With Benedict's resignation due to start on February 28, the cardinals' conclave ordinarily would start no sooner than March 15.
But no sooner had she touched the spindle than the magic spell took effect, and she pricked her finger with it.
No sooner did he tell Ellison, "Welcome back, sir, " than the congressman took, shall we say, vigorous issue with Hannity's opening.