What nobody could predict was that the new threat would long outlive the old one.
The common wisdom was nobody could do it and there was no point in trying.
Nobody could conceivably track the almost infinite variables muddling our floating fiat monetary policy.
But it was clear that nobody could resist the pressure for this new state.
They rejected the idea because nobody could figure out what to do with Peabody Coal.
Hospital consultants' performances were not monitored in any formal way so nobody could question them.
Nobody could have missed the stomach-churning plunges in Asia's currencies and stockmarkets last year.
As for the owl, nobody could say for certain after the fire whether it would return.
CNN: Spotted owl could be game-changer in Tombstone water war
Nobody could pronounce my name. (Laughter.) Our poll numbers were quite low.
Nobody could doubt the sincerity of the outrage Mr Blair felt at Serb atrocities.
My iPhone resided inside that case where nobody could see its sleek, rounded edges.
If mediocrity and maddening inconsistency have any benefit, it is that they produce scenarios nobody could have imagined.
Nobody could accuse Mariano Rajoy, who has been the centre-right prime minister since only late December, of inaction.
ECONOMIST: There seems to be no end to the troubles in Spain
But the Senate leadership wouldn't even hold a hearing "because nobody could say no to Girl Scouts, " he maintained.
WSJ: Idaho Blocks Girl Scouts Seeking A Tax Break for Their Cookies
Nobody could live up to the supernatural image thrust upon the second-year quarterback.
With his white short-sleeve shirts and easy, genuine delivery, nobody could pitch a hamburger better than Dave Thomas .
Nobody could challenge Intel and the architecture of the PC never really changed.
As skilled as the large-animal vets were, I'd learned, nobody could read a donkey better than a farrier like Ken.
He added the new qualification would be so rigorous "nobody could imagine there has been any grade inflation or deflation".
Nobody could have foreseen such a simple game retaining so much power in the market three years after its initial release.
Obviously, as has been said by your administration many times, nobody could have predicted that all this was going to happen.
He was just absolutely on his game coming out of the gate for the 2008 calendar season, and nobody could touch him.
Nobody could have predicted how far it would go, and nobody would ever understand what had led up to the final moments.
Nobody could get everything they wanted, and risks had to be taken.
For two hours nobody could really tell which way it was going.
"Nobody could keep up with that dog, " said Freddie Roach, Pacquiao's trainer.
Nobody could accuse him of letting fly from a position of ignorance.
Nobody could deny the weight of his research yet he skips lightly over anything he finds boring, the better to frolic in absurdity.
As I look around the room I see people who I've known for years, who supported me when nobody could pronounce my name.
The first rider to break on the home straight was Lampre's Michele Scarponi but nobody could live with the finishing pace of Goss.