Nobody knows what happened, he never spoke about it but I remember seeing his terrible scars.
Nobody knows what will work and so we should try as many things as possible.
Nobody knows what triggers these dramatic morphological changes in the hippocampus during and after hibernation.
And since nobody knows what the answer will be, participating and experimenting are crucial to figuring it out!
With little more than a month to go until the October deadline, nobody knows what might happen next.
"Even if it sounds silly from the beginning, nobody knows what will work and what won't work, " he says.
But nobody knows what the eurozone will do with that time (the time Bailout 1 bought has been largely wasted).
Nobody knows what the Democrat controlled Senate will do, or even whether it will allow a vote on the measure.
The science here is thin: nobody knows what level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere would trigger such a calamity.
Unlike Microsoft, Apple is not active in the WebRTC standards committees, and nobody knows what Apple is planning to do.
FORBES: Google And Mozilla Strike The Golden Spike On The Tracks Of The Real Time Web
Claims about jobs are also undermined by the lack of a counterfactual: nobody knows what would have happened without the subsidy.
"Nobody knows what our business model is and everyone is assuming that it is the one they think it is, " added Cook.
The pressure is compounded by the fact that nobody knows what a rocket scientist really does -- "Only my Momma, " Davis jokes.
However, that would be difficult if nobody knows what money actually is.
As of yet, though, nobody knows what impact this has on women.
The simple fact is that nobody knows what is going to happen.
As we head out nobody knows what to expect, but my driver Zober(ph) is tough and experienced, and we're in a reinforced pick-up truck.
Suicide is the third leading cause of death for teenagers and young adults, after accidents and homicide, and nobody knows what to do about it.
Nobody has spoken to him and nobody knows what has happened.
"Nobody knows what Cyril really believes, " said a former business associate.
And, second of all, what do you make of skepticism that the U.S. would act if Iran crossed a line because nobody knows what the line is?
We're in the fighting stage over a vast common pool of ideas, and nobody knows what they're worth with new distribution outlets like YouTube, Facebook and cellular phones.
His predicted switch from analogue to digital is now beginning to happen all over the world, but as yet nobody knows what it will do to the industry.
In spite of a vast amount of academic work in recent years, nobody knows what return a company can expect from giving its boss a new bunch of stock options.
Nobody knows what is going to happen to us.
BBC: Remploy staff in Coventry join strikes on factory closures
Everybody is hurting and nobody knows what's happening next.
Nobody knows what will happen in Pakistan, but I feel as if I've been granted a vision of how the world will end, not with a bang but with an apocalypse of traffic.