Here's the recipe -- straight from the secret recipe file in Jason's avocado-shaped noggin.
CNN: Jason Mraz has a recipe for you
Thankfully, a new invention out of Japan promises to keep surgeons from taking practice swings at your noggin.
ENGADGET: Cybram 001 simulator helps doctors practice brain surgery without risking lives (video)
And come New Year's Eve, damned sure it will be flying off my noggin at the stroke of midnight.
WSJ: Time to Top Up?
Its blue-green glass ceiling is the equivalent of a giant sunroof, capable of revealing your noggin to the ozone via a 5-square-foot hole.
FORBES: Magazine Article
The idea behind the foc.us headset is to put it on your noggin, fire it up, and wait for around five to ten minutes, then take it off and go about your day.
It reportedly took Ms. Moss six months to learn the move, in which you bring a leg looping up from behind your head, like a scorpion's tail, to bonk someone on the noggin.
WSJ: Hollywood's New Kick: Why Everybody Is Kung Fu Fighting
Try and wrap this one around your noggin.
Did you ever see a nobler noggin?
If you can't get your noggin around the concepts, know the potential: a new type of memory that will be cheaper, faster, and more efficient than current RAM, while also having the flash-like ability to retain data without power.
ENGADGET: IBM's prototype STT MRAM device spins your bits right round, baby, right round