Much speculation now focuses on who King Salman would nominate to the Allegiance Council for approval as his heir apparent.
The Securities and Exchange Commission is also trying to make it easier for shareholders to nominate people to boards of directors.
The Education Department - like all States of Guernsey departments - is entitled, but not obliged, to nominate up to two non-voting members.
From about 1993 to 1998, the Pentagon retained Alamoudi on an unpaid basis to nominate and to vet Muslim chaplain candidates for the U.S. military.
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The Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition has promised the "biggest shake-up of our democracy" in 178 years, including asking the public to nominate laws to be repealed, as part of a "power revolution".
As president-elect, Bush also has the power to nominate people to run the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Central Intelligence Agency as well as ambassadorships in a slew of American embassies around the world.
Both sides of the dispute also agreed to nominate a facilitator to assist Ramphal.
Souter announced his resignation, giving President Barack Obama his first chance to nominate a Justice to the Court.
In most every case, the president or president-elect has the right to nominate a person to a given position.
O'Connor was surprised when President Ronald Reagan fulfilled a campaign pledge to nominate a woman to the high court and chose her in July 1981 to replace Justice Potter Stewart.
On 31 March 1993, the White House announced that President Clinton intended to nominate Morton Halperin to a new position in the Department of Defense, apparently created expressly for him.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Case Against the Halperin Nomination -- First Edition
He is unlikely to stand in next year's election because of the ruling party's unofficial rotation system: Mr Jonathan is from the Christian south and it will be the Muslim north's turn to nominate a candidate to serve out the once-expected second term of Mr Yar'Adua's presidency.
Still, aides close to the Obama transition team say the president-elect is on track to nominate his former rival to the secretary of state post next week.
I'm also pleased to nominate General David Petraeus to take command in Afghanistan, which will allow us to maintain the momentum and leadership that we need to succeed.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama's Statement on General McChrystal and Afghanistan | The White House
The latest dispute started in March, when Harrah's attempted to nominate an independent director to the board of the separate publicly traded company, JCC Holding, that owns the casino as a result of the bankruptcy filings.
The BWG is primarily concerned with the role of so-called Supporting Organizations (SOs) in the bylaws, arguing that if they are able to nominate half the directors to the board there will be a conflict of interest.
Yucaipa, the investment firm headed by Burkle, said it plans to nominate Burkle and two others to the company's board at its annual meeting, which is scheduled for Sept. 28.
But Mr Warner, who can nominate people to the housing authority's board, should win in the end.
Until then, both entities will continue to nominate the same number of members to the assembly regardless of their size.
And I am extraordinarily proud today to nominate another strong and capable leader to take the reins at Interior, and that is Ms. Sally Jewell.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Nominates Sally Jewell as Secretary of the Interior | The White House
Howard Jacob, the geneticist at the Medical College of Wisconsin who sequenced Nicholas, says his hospital has started a program by which two physicians can nominate patients to be sequenced.
Earlier this month, former Ulster Unionist deputy leader Lord Kilclooney warned that he would oppose any moves to nominate a representative from the Dublin government to a new body to supervise the Northern Ireland Assembly.
This year's attendees are once again invited to nominate their favourite feline-themed viral videos to be played on a big screen at the event.
This followed Mr Erdogan's decision to nominate his foreign minister, Abdullah Gul, to succeed the president, Ahmet Necdet Sezer, who was set to step down in May.
But the White House has made calls to various candidates saying the president intends to nominate them pending a background check, according to another person familiar with the selection process.
To nominate your power women picks, add your candidates to the Comments section below.
As king, Salman might choose to nominate Ahmed as crown prince, or Salman might seek to do a deal with the more powerful senior princes represented on the Allegiance Council, in order to ensure their agreement to one of his own sons becoming crown prince.
President Obama today is expected to nominate Mary Jo White, an experienced former federal prosecutor, to serve as the next chief of the SEC.
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They had a chance to nominate a great song from the band that would go on to win this year's Grammy for Album of the Year.
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