Japan is prone to large earthquakes, but none were reported in the area in the morning.
The police have contacted local wallaby owners in the area but none had reported a missing animal.
Detectives said a number of women had come forward through a Facebook page set up to raise awareness of Mrs Meagher's disappearance to tell of attempted abduction in the area - but none was reported to police.
However, Lancashire Police said after a number of enquiries it was decided that none of the reported conduct justified a criminal prosecution.
None of the school's cases of swine flu -- also called H1N1 -- has proven fatal or resulted in a hospitalization, he said, and none of the reported cases has been confirmed.
But Foy says none of the cases reported with Zetia have been life-threatening.
None of the attendees were reported to have overheard Jackson saying "That was a great one, Dawg!"
More than 50 schools were shut on Wednesday but none has so far been reported for Thursday.
However, at the time of the reported outage, none of its users were able to get online.
Det Con Lee Scott, from Sussex Police, also said none of the offences was reported at the time they occurred and the force had full cooperation from the diocese during the investigation.
BBC: Father Keith Wilkie Denford jailed over child sex abuse
The Crown Prosecution Service said it investigated four potential cases of sexual assault against Jimmy Savile in 2009, not one as previously reported, yet none of the alleged victims "would support a prosecution".
BBC: Jimmy Savile: BBC Newsnight editor steps aside over claims
"None of that concern has been reported to me, " said Mr Hughes whose school has 997 pupils.
BBC: Paying for lunch has gone hi-tech in seven Wrexham schools
"We are assuming these are the people from the boat from Pauktaw, Rakhine that capsized on Monday night because none of the locals here have reported anyone missing, " he said.
Some women also reported excess hair growth, although none stopped using the hormone for this reason.
Back pain was scored from 0 (none) to 10 (worst) and reported in diaries on the morning and evening of school days, starting one week before the wedges were used.
None of his fellow doctors or his supervisor reported his remarks, most likely out of fear of being labeled a bigot or racist, which in today's military could end one's career.
None of these changes impacts Dell's previously reported consolidated net revenue, gross margin, operating income, net income, or earnings per share.
On Friday the Labor Department reported no jobs were created in August, none.
FORBES: Stock Up On Inverse ETFs, Bernanke May Not Able To Avoid Recession, Bear Market !
Virtually none of the committees who are investigating what happened have reported their findings, so it's like shooting, then aiming afterward.
If the distribution equals the total of qualified education expenses, then none of the amounts in boxes 1-3 need to be reported on your tax return.
None of that should be surprising since my brilliant associate David Santschi last week reported that institutions and individuals are as bullish currently as they have been in quite some time.
FORBES: Nothing Has Changed, But Bulls Are Becoming More Bullish
No suicides were reported in any of the nine paediatric trials conducted by GSK and none of these trials when reviewed individually by GSK or independent investigator showed a clinically meaningful increase in the rate of suicidal thinking or attempted suicide.
The judge, Mr Justice John Griffith-Williams, ordered that none of the evidence mentioned in court during Monday's hearing could be publicly reported.