Such a rule is not likely to improve private investment decision-making or promote more efficient markets.
By the time Bill Gates got rich, Microsoft was not likely to have trouble financing investments.
While many customers may secretly harbor this kind of daydream, it's not likely to happen.
Mass-market adoption is not likely to happen, if it happens at all, until at least 2008.
And they are not likely to respond by buying Yen to hold its value up.
Columbia was not likely to keep investing in Springsteen if the third record failed.
It will have been a phenomenal ride that is not likely to be repeated next year.
He added that the changes were not likely to affect staff on permanent contracts.
The number and severity of cyber incidents is not likely to diminish in the near future.
FORBES: Disclosing Cyber Security Incidents: The SEC Weighs In
But, in general, immigration has slowed down now and is not likely to turn upward.
Congress was not likely to convene until at least Wednesday, a senior Democratic aide said.
Think rock and roll and you are not likely to think of anything particularly ethnic, right?
FORBES: Are Latinos the Rockstars of the Election? Ask The Rolling Stone
Despite solid growth, the 2011 CES is not likely to be the biggest CES ever, however.
They are not likely to be enticed into political activity if it will jeopardize their degrees.
Even then it's not likely to be the jackpot for oil companies that many expected.
That means users only need to remember one master password, which they're not likely to forget.
However, unlike the hurricane, the fiscal cliff is not likely to smack us all at once.
FORBES: We Don't Need Another Short-Term Patch for our Fiscal Woes
The lessons I derive from my research are not likely to go down easily with either.
This is not likely to induce a flood of newly participating physicians into the program.
FORBES: States Face a "Sophie's Choice" on Medicaid Expansion
But the name of Bishop Price's successor is not likely to be known until the autumn.
But that bailout is slow in coming and some say not likely to happen.
This is not likely to happen until the end of September at the earliest.
Nevertheless, these types of discussions are not likely to be included in any post-meeting policy statement.
FORBES: Deep Discussions But No Action Expected At Two-Day FOMC Meeting
This is not likely to be good news for patients as the law unfolds.
FORBES: 5 Take-Aways from Steven Brill's Time Tome on Health Costs
These small benefits aside, this type of capital exchange is not likely to help equity holders.
Sources say President Bush is not likely to veto bipartisan energy legislation over the renewable standard.
Harman is not likely to be on the next roster when it appears in the fall.
Also, youth sports tournaments in small-town USA are not likely to be hampered by displacement effects.
FORBES: Educating Sports Commissions and CVBs About the Economic Impact of Sports
Good, since I'm not likely to soon forget this or anything else in this astounding collection.
They are not likely to be discouraged by visions of foreign trials in some remote future.