And from the people I talk to there, this culturally engrained fact is not likely to change any time soon.
This is not likely to change: any company that hires staff without taking a good look at them is doomed to failure.
Israeli politics are not likely to change quickly, and the challenges Israelis feel from Iran are not likely to go away quickly either.
If the highlight of your long-haul is that leg-stretching trip to the bathroom, the bad news is that's a situation not likely to change any time soon.
ENGADGET: Alt-week 2.2.13: SpaceLiners, building a brain and the man made multiverse
Carriers are not likely to change their subsidies right away.
That said, even when paired with all of its compatible subscription services, it is not likely to fundamentally change the TV experience.
The tests are taken every two years, so there's not likely to be huge change with each data release.
If not, are they likely to change in desirable or undesirable ways?
Moreover, it also helps one to understand where lasting change is likely to originate: not from the occasional activity of a cross-spectrum grouping, but from the sustained, persistent, targeted, and strategic activity of one.
FORBES: Richard Sakwa's Outstanding Analysis of the Putin System's Past, Present, and Future
Like poverty or ethnic and religious conflict, climate change is not something likely to be solved, eliminated or ended, but rather a condition that society will struggle to do better or worse at in managing.
FORBES: How Super-Achieving 'Knowledge Journalists' Shape Our Thinking
Crabs that had been shocked but had remained in their shell appeared to remember the experience of the shock because they quickly moved towards the new shell, investigated it briefly and were more likely to change to the new shell compared to those that had not been shocked.
If they cannot open themselves up to me, I will likely not influence them in the way I need to encourage them to change their behaviors, which will, hopefully, change the behavior of their children.
If your heir falls squarely in the former category, a dramatic change in wealth is not likely to affect his or her motivation to work.
WSJ: The Experts: How to Keep Heirs From Losing Their Work Ethic
But Prof Chrystal says that in general the smallest denomination coin is the most likely to disappear as habits change, but not for a while yet.
The report also says that the composition of the world's forests is likely to change because some tree species will not be able to move northwards (or to higher altitudes) to escape the encroaching warmth.
Even if you ultimately decide not to make a career move, your path will likely change just by virtue of having gone through the process of self examination.
The climate system is not a stovepipe and any policy response to climate change that pretends otherwise is likely to be the road to ruin.
FORBES: Rethinking Our Response to Climate Change: Carbon Wedges 2.0
The secretive process is likely to have taken into account whether or not there was a medical explanation for a sudden change in her condition.
The reason for the change is likely to be the climate itself, but that does not mean that the recent reduction is due to global warming.
As a result, they were able to raise more money and were less likely to scale prematurely than those that change three or more times, or not at all.
While the transition facing each of these countries is unique and while the resources of West Germany provide an opportunity for rapid change not available elsewhere, there will nonetheless likely be salutary effects and lessons to be learned throughout the region from the East German experience.
If not, change will come anyway--likely in the ham-fisted way that comes naturally to Washington.
This litigation is likely to take a long time, be expensive for both parties and, ultimately, not change the direction of social gaming.
Even if Jobs were alive, more than likely he would not have been able to overcome the obstacles that come along with being in the fourth stage of change.
FORBES: Steve Jobs The Buddhist Would Not Have Fired Tim Cook
Those in favour of a change said babies born at 24 weeks were increasingly likely to survive, and it should therefore not be permitted to abort pregnancies at this stage.