It was not clear when or for how long the Marshals Service lost track of them.
CNN: U.S. lost track of two with known or suspected terror ties
He's audible here, though not enough of a virtuoso to make one wistful for those long-lost whiskbroom days of jazz.
NPR: A Jazz Genius Goofs Off
Yes, some things have been lost in the shuffle of modernization it's hard not to long for the Kenmore Square of yore, when seminal music venue the Rathskeller, a mecca for Boston's hard-core scene, and Deli Haus, a late-night favorite for Guinness floats and potato pancakes, were the biggest draws.
WSJ: Insider's Travel Guide to Boston | Journal Concierge
But the cost of the years of conflict will be paid for a long time yet, not least in terms of lawlessness, social disruption and lost education.
BBC: South Africa profile
The pioneering brand lost its cachet not long after Apple's 2007 release of the iPhone, which reset consumers' expectations for what a smartphone should do.
NPR: New BlackBerry Coming To The US Public On March 22