Two games, even 20 games don't mean much either, not in the context of a 162-game season.
"One would think that since the virus doesn't cross the placenta, probably not too much of a threat that we know of, " he said.
"I told her not to bother, that it wouldn't make much of a difference, " says her daughter, Edythe London, a professor of psychiatry and pharmacology at the University of California, Los Angeles.
Another reason Congress isn't likely to act on the funding warning is because it's not much of a priority, critics say.
And I have to say I don't think of myself as so much as a storyteller, or at least not in my earlier part of my life.
Diaz, for some reason, is repeatedly drawn to self-consciously grotesque little projects that usually don't accomplish much of anything at all, but make a huge mess while not accomplishing it.
We did touristy things, we didn't encounter much gourmet fare (not a big draw in Costa Rica) and our lack of planning was pretty inefficient and not particularly budget conscious.
But an industry that doesn't need too much space, and brings in a lot of money and not too many people, also seems like a good prospect for a city that wants to slow down a bit.
If you're not watching the screen on stage at a CES press event, however, that shouldn't be much of a problem.
But at the same time, there's not a lot of local interest yet in going there because people still don't know much about it.
CNN: 'Slave trade ghost town': The dark history of Bunce Island
Still, the idea of Fallon getting the show isn't a surprise -- at least, not as much as the report that the show will move back to New York from California.
Yet another reason we may not have seen much of it is that it can't tell the difference between landline phones and cellphones, making CommWarrior a pretty dumb smartphone virus.
Poseidon will probably make out well on this investment, but the risk associated with putting so much capital into a business that is not yet commercially viable means we won't see a building boom of desalination plants in California anytime soon.
Collins, in responding to a question as to whether Defense officials Thursday expressed more willingness to forego some budget power, said, "I don't think the department is ever eager to give up authority, " but it is not yet certain how much of a shift would be needed.
CNN: Lawmakers hold closed talks about intelligence overhaul
"It's not that Americans don't want to be environmentally friendly, it's just that we don't have much of a choice, " he wrote.
For years Schwab made much of the fact that his brokers all work on salary, not commission, and don't try to sell a client anything.