"I was aware that there was some attention on my work but I did not know that there was international attention looking at what I was doing, " he told BBC News.
And, you know, not that I was looking for someone to take my place, but I surely expected that, you know, when Lauryn came out, that there would be other people who came out and kind of said something.
And I think that, you know, I'm not so sure that Reagan would have responded the way you suggest, because some of this democratic progress began under Reagan.
And you know, I think that they may not agree with me on every issue, but they - but they do know that I care about many of the things that they care about.
Which is not to say that I can know that every trader is behaving in an entirely legal manner, either.
FORBES: Late Tuesday Rise in Crude Price - Presage Bullish Inventory Statistics??
The answer, I fear, is not high, and I know that the Army is enormously grateful to those who do help.
Ms. LINDA REEDY (Gay Parent): It's as if a whole segment of the population of the country and maybe the world are telling me personally that I'm not fit to be a parent, when I know that every day, my whole life is about being a parent.
For instance, though I knew Sinkler in "The Trusty" was going for water, I did not know that he would meet a fetching young farm wife until I got him into her front yard.
WSJ: Ron Rash, Author of Serena and Nothing Gold Can Stay, on Inspiration | Word Craft
But I need to say something that might be not you know very politically correct now, but I don't think that we should forget that in the past twenty or thirty years Egypt had a leapfrog in its economy and the achievements of the last period in the economic front should not be forgotten.
I'm pretty sure I didn't hit anybody, but I'm not gonna say that because I don't know for sure.
Now, economic -- as I said yesterday, I'm not an economist but I do know that the business of predicting the future in terms of economics is tricky.
Dr. NIEDERDEPPE: I'm not, actually, but I know that today, if you look at the National Cancer Institute's specific recommendations and more or less any cancer group making recommendations here, one of the most important things that people can do is eat those fruits and vegetables.
There really was something magical about the whole day -- and I know that I'm not the only person who feels that way when they visit Ireland.
So I want you to know that I could not be prouder to have each of you representing this great country of ours.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Presents the Commander-in-Chief Trophy
General Verrilli: It is not, and I do not know the answer to that, Your Honor.
There was just something nagging at the back of my mind that he was not quite the Carl Froch that I have got to know over the past few years.
What Sriya did not know was that I was recording the whole time.
People that I did not even know expressed their concern for my well being from all around the country.
It's not something that's - I know of in the Muslim community.
Having said that, I know that a full budget may not be finished before March 1st, and, unfortunately, that's the date when a series of harmful automatic cuts to job-creating investments and defense spending -- also known as the sequester -- are scheduled to take effect.
I'm just simply saying that we know what -- and you know I'm not going to talk about internal discussions that have been taking place or proposals that are changing hands.
Mr. BLAIR: You know, the way the whole situation unfolded, I was never given an opportunity, even though at one point during the incident, I tried to, you know, give them an opportunity to identify who I was and that, you know, I lived not too far from where I was stopped from.
Mr. WYAN: I pretty much know for sure that I would not be able to get another job in the field that I am in right now, because there's just so many people that have been laid off and are out of a job that are doing the same kind of work that I'm doing.