The dispatcher then asked her to tap once on the cordless handset to indicate she understood not to open the closet door.
When Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos recently went to a hotel on the outskirts of Athens to address a conference, his security official would not open the door of his bullet-proof BMW until they had checked for potential attackers.
"To not abandon their core, and at the same time open the door to a much larger audience, is wise, " he says of the re-branding decision.
The hotel manager went to the room, occupied by a Secret Service agent, who would not open the door, Mr. King said.
When the lift landed on the ground floor, he had pulled the door open, trying not to let his breathlessness show, his eyes sparkling with satisfaction.
Not informing passengers about scanners can open the door to misinformation and critics, the study's authors said, and hurt the long-term acceptance and legitimacy of airport security.
Not far from home, the door to the carriage flew open, and when the driver dismounted to secure it the horses bolted.
All Spitzer had to do to surpass the SEC (and we do not mean to minimize his enormous contribution) was to establish an open-door policy, welcome whistle-blowing industry insiders and listen.
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He threatened to kick down the door if Miss Miron-Buchacra did not open it, the court heard.
Not being able to include FX in the FTT leaves a barn door wide open through which the markets will drive the whole coach and horses.
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He said Hafren Power's evidence was not sufficiently compelling, but the government had left the door open for that to change.
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UKIP's local election manifesto, concentrates on its flagship policy of ending "open door" immigration and putting pressure on the government not to lift restrictions on workers from Bulgaria and Romania on 1 January, which proved a successful formula in Eastleigh.
Several actresses hear sobbing from a bathroom stall and open the door to find Dunham naked, eating a cake, not crying guiltily but munching away happily.
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That will open the door to cut-rate generic versions, but the copycats may not emerge immediately.
Scientists who neglect to check their pet theories at the door leave themselves open to confirmation bias (especially when performing studies that are not blinded).
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During a visit to a hospital in Romford, north London, later in the day, Mr Lansley said his door was "always open" to groups like the BMA and the RCN who were not invited to the earlier meeting.