But so do you think that this vote has -- it sounds like you think that this vote has nothing to do with the calamity that you have predicted would happen if the debt ceiling was breached.
Even if the equation has nothing to do with the conclusion you are drawing, it will appear more credible to those who read it.
Mr. IAN: It was completely alien to me because it really, you know, it has nothing to do with actual guitar playing.
You know, I think, you know obviously it's not, it's nothing to do with business, but I think the lottery was one where, you know, the public wanted something and they, they should have been bolder and they, they should have made sure that they delivered what they'd promised in the election manifesto.
That glistening vichyssoise you love at 7 p.m. was a sweltering, churning mass of potato chowder you wanted nothing to do with 12 hours earlier.
All other data, such as shipping and billing address and payment information, would then be passed on by PayPal automatically -- leaving you with nothing to do but admire what a beautiful pair of sneakers your precious Mr. Cuddlesworth makes.
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Then look in to the eyes of a smacking parent and you see all too clearly this has nothing to do with 'punishment' for wrongdoing, and everything to do with the adult letting off steam, releasing their own anger or frustration.
As with jhilton, it sounds like you are saying that supply and demand have little or nothing to do with the price of oil.
FORBES: Obama Released the SPR, and All He Got Was...Nothing
And mind you, it had nothing to do with Pippa Middleton not returning my calls.
If you manage three pages or more you know it has nothing to do with engagement, content quality or anything else.
FORBES: No Brand Shakedown, Says Facebook--Here's How Page Posts Reach Fans (Or Don't)
You've got nothing to do with the money that's going in there.
Consistently giving great presentations has nothing to do with the mood of the audience, who spoke just before you, or luck.
FORBES: How can I find out if my presentation works? -Presentation Training
First of all, the Office of Special Plans that you referred to has nothing really whatsoever to do with intelligence it is one of the regional offices in the policy organization.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Remarks to the Council on Foreign Relations
So for you Sky customers with absolutely nothing else to do on February 4th, be sure to take a gander at Super Bowl XLI, if for no other reason than seeing our football in a whole new dimension.
But then again, this is something that points to the past and has nothing to do with the next 20 races, as it doesn't make you any faster.
First up is a movie that may be critic-proof, especially if you have kids knocking around the house with nothing to do.
NPR: Slate's Summary Judgment: 'Madagascar,' 'The Longest Yard,' 'The League of Ordinary Gentlemen'
Nothing wrong with that idea at all: you do though have to make sure that all those accounting standards are up to scratch though.
FORBES: Has Nat Rothschild Just Trashed The Family Reputation With Bumi?
You see, the credit crunch had almost nothing at all to do with those derivatives, the options and futures, that we value using the Black-Scholes equation.
As for why you cannot eat GM wheat, it would almost certainly have nothing to do with the use of biotechnology.
Matt, you are absolutely right that the cost of a drug has nothing to do with what it cost to develop it.
Let me start by saying what you are experiencing has nothing to do, and I mean nothing to do, with gender.
FORBES: What To Do When You're A Female Surrounded By Male Kingdom Builders
If you or the other cohorts had, you would have all noticed that the bulk of that code has nothing to do with the majority of Americans.
Stilwell owns 33% of DST and 90% of Janus, whose flashy managers want nothing to do with the parent and aren't happy about being lumped together with steady-as-you-go DST.
In one corner of the American academy, you have what might be called the Vietnam generation: those who want nothing to do with power, and that includes studying it.
Despite what you hear on talk radio, it's possible that this case has nothing to do with sanctuary.
It's obvious and I think by your questions you have betrayed that the Paula Jones lawyers' strategy in this case had nothing to do with uncovering or proving sexual harassment...
When you look at the details of what would have happened had Congress gone over the cliff, you can see how much of what was at stake for most households had nothing to do with the Bush tax cuts.
You might be forgiven for thinking Christo disingenuous when he claims that the Mastaba has nothing to do with Arab oil production.