"In light of the fact that the county has been on notice about these deficiencies now for years, HUD cannot at this point simply accept general promises of future performance, " Hom said in the letter.
We have this issue in my firm now for many years with hedge funds and others.
We have been at war now for eight years, at enormous cost in lives and resources.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on the Way Forward in Afghanistan and Pakistan | The White House
They've been married now for 42 years and have two children and 10 grandchildren.
The humble animated gif, which has been around now for 25 years, is really a pseudo video.
FORBES: Lightt App Compresses Time, Collapses Space and Creates A New Kind Of Social Stream
Turkmenistan, however, has shared a border with the Taliban now for three years and is less concerned.
Scenario Two : you and your buddies have been in business now for five years and are making an annual profit.
"This company has been losing ground now for many years, and I don't like that, " says Jeroen van der Veer, the 58-year-old chief executive.
The economy has been growing now for two years, roughly -- I forget the number of quarters -- but after shrinking considerably during the recession.
There will be no celebration for the massive block of unemployed and underemployed Americans who have waited for years now for help beyond a benefit check.
FORBES: President Obama's Inaugural Speech Just Isn't Worth Watching
"It has been going on now for nine years, John Lewis have patiently persevered with a planning system that has rocked them back and forward, " he said.
BBC: John Lewis: NI Executive must decide says Peter Robinson
All ready, the meeting, which I am watching via a webcast, is raising the veil on an internal battle within the FDA. Drug safety officials have now said for years that the signs that Avandia causes heart attacks are grave enough to warrant pulling the drug.
"I completely understand, especially being here now for three years in the NFL, that this is a business, and the team has its obligations to consider all its options, " said Sanchez, who is 31-22 as a starter but led the Jets to a postseason misfire and 8-8 record last year.
And so when I hear folks say, is Social Security going to be there for me 20 years from now -- yes, it will be there for you 20 years from now.
As was just mentioned, I'm announcing that these visas for Colombians will now be valid for 10 years.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and President Santos Hold a Press Conference | The White House
As has been the case for two years now, worries for the U.S. economy will continue to come out of Europe.
FORBES: Feeling That European Springtime Swoon Coming On Again
But with Michael -- we've been together for eight years now, married for five -- it became clear it was time for Sequoia Productions to go professional.
Now, for many years, credit cards and home equity loans papered over this harsh reality.
That surely makes it odd to fix its budget now for so many years ahead.
ECONOMIST: Why the EU budget compromise is worse than no deal at all
We've been dealing with steroids, front and center in sports now, for 18 years.
Google led him to a place that worked for him, and he's now been sober for six years.
The U.S. government can now borrow for five years at about 0.75% and for 10 years at about 1.7%.
The mostly parallel Thrift Savings Plan retirement system for federal employees has similarly worked spectacularly well now for nearly 30 years.
In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has been tinkering for a few years now with rules for rearview visibility.
FORBES: You Never Need A Dashboard Camera Until You Really, Really Need a Dashboard Camera
You want to be absolutely certain that you and your children will be financially OK now and for many years to come.
Inspector JOHN SEVILLA(ph) (New York City Police Department): My name is Inspector John Sevilla, and I've been doing this probably now for about 16 years.