And some of them used to be very rich and very comfortable back home and now that living, I don't know, a very long nightmare.
But I need to say something that might be not you know very politically correct now, but I don't think that we should forget that in the past twenty or thirty years Egypt had a leapfrog in its economy and the achievements of the last period in the economic front should not be forgotten.
"I've been through the ups and downs now for so many times that I don't react anymore, " Anthopolous said.
It put people in situations that, right now, I don't think they're ready to handle.
Now it's not that I don't talk to young people about sex all the time.
Mr. LEITCH: But I'm not going to throw stuff at people and that's - now you don't throw batteries, but certainly I have the right to boo a player that I, that, I mean, I am paying for all of it.
Oh, no, now that they are getting closer, I don't even think it's people from the '70s: It's people ... from the future!
Now when I look at those beads, they simply remind me that I don't ever know as much as I think I do, but I'm always capable of more than I think I am.
Now, that having been said, I don't doubt, and you see it in reports today, very organized, very powerful special interests that will oppose the creation of the consumer agency or different aspects of the proposal.
Now that I'm older, I see many people stuck in jobs they don't like because it's the only way they can get health insurance.
Now I'm going to have to learn how to do timetables that I don't want to learn.
Now I don't think that is actually a prospect that is likely to appeal.
BBC: Tories should consider UKIP pact, Michael Fabricant urges
"As of right now, I don't see that as a big concern, " he said.
Now, I don't think that individual or any individual wants to watch while Washington does its normal back-and-forth, right?
"When I see that happen, I don't want to tell you now, but I feel a little scared when I was pitching, " De La Rosa said.
"Having tried desperately hard in the early days on film and on stage to imitate Winston I now don't do that, " he says.
Now I don't know whether that says more about the bruised largely nationalised bank or about me, but either way it may not be healthy.
We have now been told that 22 brands have been contaminated but I don't know what these are.
Now if I play something that sounds like me, I don't reject it.
WSJ: Still Close to His Roots | Johnny Marr | Cultural Conversation by Jim Fusilli
But we just have not -- I don't have information now that allows me to confirm or rebut those reports.
One might therefore think that I should now somehow be against euthanasia, because some miracle might happen, but in reality I just don't know.
Now, I swore an oath to uphold the laws on the books, but that doesn't mean I don't know very well the real pain and heartbreak that deportations cause.
Now, I don't doubt for a minute that China's spectacular 9%-to-10% economic growth rate will continue for many more years.
"We don't have that now, and I worry enormously that certain parts of the country are enormously unprotected, " she said.
Now, having said that, I need to tell you I don't like a lot of what I see on the other side, that's the domestic side.
Usually whatever's in front of me is the thing that I focus on, and I don't think, I never think past the thing that I'm doing right now.
Now, that's just the fact, Mike, and I don't think anybody would dispute that.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions at GOP House Issues Conference | The White House