• It's just that now it's up to him to make it fly.

    BBC: It's lift-off - at a price of ?52m

  • Netflix saw a return to profitability and more than half a million new US subscribers in the second quarter of this year, and it's now announced that it's added a full two million more streaming members worldwide for the third quarter.

    ENGADGET: Netflix Q3 2012 earnings: 2 million more streaming subscribers worldwide, $8 million net income

  • Now that it's happened, it's incredible.


  • And I think that's why he's working hard right now to ensure that it's one step closer today.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • T-Mobile's not skimping on the big announcements at its Capital Market Days conference: it's now declared that it plans to move entirely to its Value Plans in 2013.

    ENGADGET: T-Mobile preparing to ditch traditional subsidies, move entirely to Value Plans in 2013

  • ' The nature--you know, this is something that happened in the past, and it's something that happened and it's now been admitted to, so there may be forgiveness.

    NPR: Top Stem-Cell Researcher Resigns After Ethical Lapse

  • Although Sony threatened to make an exit from the plasma market for a good while before actually pulling the proverbial cord, it seems that there's now a glimmer of hope that it'll bring those Sony-branded PDPs back.

    ENGADGET: Sony looking to jump back into the plasma market? HD

  • Mr. MOODY: Oh, right now, that's it, the off-Broadway run at the Little Schubert on 42nd, and, hopefully, that run will extend until about January 27th, but we're looking forward to possible tours in the future as well.

    NPR: Three Mo' Tenors Give Nod to Pavarotti

  • We think that our vote and our support is now sufficient that it's time the Church of England grew up and decided to sit down and talk with us about the issues that we're getting across to our supporters.

    BBC: BNP rejects church boycott call

  • That's exactly what I want to do right now, and that's why it's a good option for me.

    NPR: New Option in Retirement Savings: Roth 401Ks

  • So it's hardly a novel concept, but it's only now becoming likely that you'll see it in the real world: Fujitsu announced today that its palm readers will soon be installed in bank kiosks, building lobbies, and other places where you might need to verify your identity at a checkpoint of some sort.


  • ZDNet's Mary Jo Foley says her best understanding of "Pink" is now that it's a Microsoft-branded phone running a custom UI on top of Windows Mobile 7, developed by what's left of the Danger team and targeted at the Sidekick market.

    ENGADGET: Microsoft's "Pink" smartphone to be Microsoft-branded?

  • Does this suggest that he now believes it's something that should be worked out at the federal level?

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • It's not sharks biting people that now has scientists concerned, it's the other way around.

    CNN: Beware of shark meat, FDA warns

  • Glimpses of the Delta Six have been teasing an ultra-realistic and motion-enabled gaming controller since last fall, and now that it's back on Kickstarter, we've gone hands-on with a prototype to see just how it handles.

    ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

  • Now when we look at other countries like France and Germany they've already built those sorts of protections into their system and I think it is now time and William thinks it's now time that we had similar protection in our law to enable us to be autonomous in those important areas.

    BBC: News Online

  • Now initially the investigation was thought to be about who disclosed the agent's identity, but now there's speculation that it may be a probe into whether any government officials lied to the grand jury or obstructed the investigation.

    NPR: Second White House Official Named in Plame Leak

  • Ms. KATHY MARTIN (Kansas Board of Education): If the teacher has had any apprehension about teaching controversy about evolution or any of the things that contradict evolution, they now should understand that it's perfectly OK here in Kansas to teach evolution and both sides of the controversy, either evidence that supports it or evidence that refutes it.

    NPR: Kansas Moves Closer to Intelligent Design Curriculum

  • And the good news for Alpha Company's FRG is that it's now slowly coming back together due to the diligent work of a few women who refused to let it die.

    NPR: Support Groups for Soldiers' Families Struggle

  • But it takes areas that are now roadless - that's a technical designation, but it also means they don't have roads - in our national forests.

    NPR: Rocky Mountain Activist Carole King

  • It's now a tool, it's an option that a president should have available to deal with weapons of mass destruction, but it is an option only after diplomacy has failed, which it now emphasizes at the undertake, only after we have tried concerted action together with our allies to resolve these issues peacefully.

    NPR: Dangers of Pre-Emptive War Doctrine

  • Now, that's a province that was among the most violent in Iraq, and now it's largely pacified and earlier this week was turned over to Iraqi government control.

    NPR: How Many U.S. Troops Needed In Iraq, Afghanistan?

  • It's a status quo that extends beyond any particular party and right now that status quo is fighting back with everything it's got, with the same old tactics that divide and distract us from solving the problems people face, whether those problems are health care that folks can't afford or a mortgage they cannot pay.

    CNN: Obama speech: 'Yes, we can change'

  • That's why whenever you see them hanging out like they are right now, it's important that they also like you as a human being.

    CNN: Interview with Abhishek Bachchan

  • But I think it's more likely than not that they would dodge it now because it's no longer an issue of continued confinement in military hands, and, therefore, the case doesn't have the significance that it did yesterday.

    NPR: U.S. Indicts Padilla After Three Years in Custody

  • While the company is better off now that it's with Polycom, I'm still not too optimistic.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Now that it's charging developers, the Internet giant better make sure its platforms are up to snuff.

    FORBES: Google's Geek Fest

  • Now that it's taking on that role, shouldn't the Web also assume some of the same responsibilities--like taxes?

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Now that it's in trouble, at least GM's not bearing the brunt alone.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Now that it's April, we're seven months or so away from the election.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

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