Nuclear researchers use the Denovo application to, among other things, model the behavior of neutrons in a nuclear power reactor.
ENGADGET: Cray's Jaguar supercomputer upgraded with NVIDIA Tesla GPUs, renamed Titan
U.S. and United Nations officials have documented what they describe as serious limitations in Iran's ability to quickly and efficiently produce the enriched uranium required to either fuel a nuclear power reactor or to build an atomic weapon.
WSJ: North Korea Nuclear Find Raises Fears It Will Share With Iran
Reactor two at Oldbury nuclear power station was turned off in 2011 and reactor one was shut down last year, after 45 years.
The company also still intends to move forward with plans to request regulatory approval to build a third reactor at its nuclear power station in Louisa County, Va.
But emotions were high when it was announced by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that the reactor at Oyster Creek in New Jersey, the oldest nuclear power plant of all, was on Alert.
Workers struggled to contain a burning reactor at the Fukushima nuclear-power plant as the site emitted small but worrying amounts of radiation.
Inquiries have got under way after Reactor 1 at the Wylfa nuclear power station on Anglesey was stopped due to a problem with refuelling work.
However, since the UK will most likely adopt a single reactor system for all its new nuclear power plants, there will only be one type of waste stream.
In nineteen eighty-one, Iraq was on the point of acquiring nuclear power. 10.17.01 Narrator The Osirak reactor was an experimental plutonium plant.
The disaster caused billions of dollars worth of damage to residential and commercial property and also damaged a nuclear reactor that was operated by the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), sending dangerous levels of radiation out into the atmosphere.
FORBES: Did Management Problems at TEPCO Cause Japan's $15B Radiation Leak?
In fact, the military is constantly testing green-power projects, such as a contraption that provides power and purifies water, or even a mobile nuclear reactor.
The San Onofre nuclear power plant is perched right on the San Diego beach and the reactor is cooled by ocean water.
FORBES: Could San Diego's Oceanside Nuke Plant Survive A Tsunami?
The D-1 fault runs beneath the No. 2 reactor, and the government doesn't allow nuclear-power plant operators to build reactors directly above active faults.
Following the 1979 near-meltdown of a reactor at Pennsylvania's Three Mile Island, the nuclear power industry suddenly had all the appeal of Dr. Strangelove in his doomsday bunker.
Following the 1979 near meltdown of a reactor at Pennsylvania's Three Mile Island, the nuclear power industry suddenly had all the appeal of Dr. Strangelove in his doomsday bunker.
What if we could build a nuclear reactor that offered no possibility of a meltdown, generated its power inexpensively, created no weapons-grade by-products, and burnt up existing high-level waste as well as old nuclear weapon stockpiles?
FORBES: Is Thorium the Biggest Energy Breakthrough Since Fire? Possibly.
Previously, the government planned the power the nation would need, found the best scientists to design a nuclear reactor and paid the bill.
The power density of processor chips used in PCs today is on a par with that inside a nuclear reactor--and anyone who's ever perched a notebook computer on his lap for a prolonged period knows all that power often manifests itself in excess heat.
South Korean negotiators had been seeking a new nuclear-cooperation agreement with the U.S. that would allow it to begin enriching uranium and reprocessing spent reactor fuel, arguing these technologies are crucial for Seoul to expand and secure its civilian nuclear-power program.
The explosion ripped off the top of the Number 3 reactor, two days after a similar blast damaged the Number 1 reactor at Fukushima, adding to concerns that the worst may not be over at the stricken Japanese nuclear power plants.
FORBES: Second Explosion Damages Another Japanese Nuclear Reactor