Lastly, there is the possibility of a nuclear war triggered by something other than a state.
Together they make nuclear war seem quite possible, even likely, in the next half century.
Starting in the 1950s, paralleling the Korean War, was the increasing risk of nuclear war.
Asteroid strikes and nuclear war are, from memory, two of the examples he uses.
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But if the American imperialists provoke us unjustifiably, we will answer with a nuclear war.
In the 1960s, a Democrat ad hinted that Barry Goldwater might start a nuclear war.
Well, I believe there's a better way of eliminating the threat of nuclear war.
Those who seek peace cannot stand idly by as nations arm themselves for nuclear war.
If you sing about gay sex and nuclear war, you are Frankie Goes to Hollywood.
Ten songs about nuclear war, at least half of which prominently featured imaginary girlfriends?
If you are a hot German chick and you sing about nuclear war, you are Nena.
Even so, argue Indian hawks, Pakistan is highly unlikely to embark on a suicidal nuclear war.
Japan entered into a nuclear war, one which it lost and the fallout devastated the countryside.
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We now know enough to be reasonably confident that such action would have led to nuclear war.
As a teenager growing up in the 1980s, I wrote at least ten songs about nuclear war.
Many sessions, as usual, focused on threats from pandemics, nuclear war, Internet attacks, and other terrifying risks.
On the other hand, nuclear war remains by far the greatest military threat that the nation faces.
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If you sang about starting a nuclear war via making out, you are Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark.
Go back to the 1960s, and the biggest threat in the minds of many governments was nuclear war.
Some in America fret that in backing Taiwan, the United States risks being dragged into conflict, even nuclear war.
Nuclear war was seen as the most realistic war-fighting scenario, with all other forms of war trivial in comparison.
And the terrorists might not even need nuclear weapons to trigger nuclear war.
One could as easily argue that there has never been a nuclear war.
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True, Kennedy rescued the world from a nuclear war by using diplomacy to resolve the Cuban Missile Crisis peacefully.
Yet a Soviet invasion quickly became unlikely, if for no other reason than the potential of escalation to nuclear war.
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If that was so, then constitutional procedures that could not be applied to nuclear war were simply no longer relevant.
McNamara sweated out the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis with President Kennedy, the closest the world has come to nuclear war.
Important stuff, to be sure, but hardly as universal and engaging as the promise of universal prosperity and nuclear war.
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Indeed, it was waged everywhere precisely because the threat of nuclear war was so terrible: Covert warfare became a prudent alternative.
Of all their fears, public speaking is number one, and death comes much further down the list, just before nuclear war.