• In the obsequies that have followed Lord Jenkins's death this week it has been claimed that the policies of Britain's present Labour government are, in essence, his creation.

    ECONOMIST: Roy Jenkins

  • The obsequies for Manolo Chopera have been many and ornate.

    ECONOMIST: Manolo Chopera

  • In the obsequies for the prince, Mr Buthelezi said he was saddened that the two men had not settled the outstanding issues that existed between them over several decades.

    ECONOMIST: Prince Mcwayizeni

  • Driven by a key-wound spring, the monk walks in a square, striking his chest with his right arm, raising and lowering a small wooden cross and rosary in his left hand, turning and nodding his head, rolling his eyes, and mouthing silent obsequies.

    FORBES: The World of Clockwork Robots

  • Both Muslims and Hindus, however, try to ensure that disposal of a body take place before sundown on the day of death, even if close relatives cannot attend the obsequies, or at the very latest at sunrise the next day if death occurs late in the afternoon.

    ECONOMIST: The world��s way of death

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