It did not occur to me that someone might be swimming unsupervised.
"It didn't occur to me to contradict my mom, " he says.
WSJ: Getting Along With the Original Other Woman��Your Mother-in-Law
Two possible explanations for this preference for homogeneity occur to me.
When I started writing for the Forbes Legal Blog, it began to occur to me that I was calling men as sources nearly 100% of the time.
As I'm being briefed, questions occur to me.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: DOD Briefing on Intelligence Matters
But I also understand that when I say that Hecuba was the best, the sweetest dog who ever lived, it would never occur to me to expect someone else to feel that way about her.
It did not quite occur to me that these older women were watching to see what direction this intimacy might take and that they were ready to turn righteous if the doctor should decide to drop me.
First of all, it didn't even occur to me to raise the problem with my local councillor, who is after all my democratically elected representative on the council, and who might well have been the first port of call in the past.
To me, game shows were the place to go to see magic and happiness occur on a daily basis.
And so you're asking me to answer a hypothetical that is never going to occur.
But those who know her well told me that she never really thought that was going to occur.
And as I said, presumptuous of me to say this, if that occurs and continues to occur, it will benefit the whole world.
"For us, we try to prepare for everything, and believe me, we've talked about the different possibilities that might occur against us, " Maddon said.