Curiously, though, it has been a fairly low-key campaign, devoid of high octane rhetoric.
Its high-octane energy and strong cast should give it a must-see cachet among younger moviegoers.
Those molecules could then either be blended into ethanol, or burned directly in a high-octane fuel.
Jet fuel is kerosene, so it does not have an octane rating but a cetane rating.
That phase of his high-octane career culminated in the sale of his Miami-based pharmaceutical company, Ivax Corp.
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The gasoline must have the proper octane, and it must have the proper Reid vapor pressure (RVP).
The higher the octane number, the greater the resistance to preignition making a higher compression ratio possible.
Motta's reaction following the dismissal, man-handling Busquets in protest, only fanned the flames of a high-octane encounter.
If this high octane tax deduction sounds to you like an echo from the past, it is.
FORBES: How To Take A 100% Tax Write-Off For A New Porsche, BMW or Cadillac
After all, exposure to growth octane is a pretty nifty complement to increasingly value-laden public market portfolios, no?
FORBES: A Dollar And A Dream: Making The Case For Venture Capital
Apologizing to no one, Duke Nukem Forever is the high-octane video game equivalent of a Hollywood summer blockbuster.
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It has assembled a high octane Task Force on Law, Innovation, and Growth.
Sullivan recently moved to a 100% invested position, and among the high-octane stocks he recommends buying is Cambridge, Mass.
These engines use gasoline or diesel, and both fuels are full of chains of carbon atoms known as octane.
Octane, heptane, pentane, esters of nonanol, heptanol, hexanol--all hydrocarbons common to diesel fuel.
This high-octane basketball is perfectly suited to a point guard who can see the floor and make quick decisions.
FORBES: With Knicks Coach Mike D'Antoni Gone, Jeremy Lin Should Be Afraid. Very Afraid.
The Bugatti is an absolutely phenomenal sports car that feels like a 95-octane sewing machine when you drive it around town.
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Fuel economy may suffer as well, so it is worthwhile to monitor your engine's overall performance while testing the lower-octane fuel.
The spokesman said there were also discussions about arranging one-off imports of higher octane fuel to support motorsport events and competitions.
In fact, the federal government mandated in the 1990s that MTBE be blended into gasoline to increase octane and improve combustion.
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On "Live at Yoshi's, 2010, " available only online, it moves smoothly from jazz-fusion to untethered improvisation, from lyrical passages to high-octane grooves.
WSJ: Jack DeJohnette | Playing Musical Chairs | Cultural Conversation by Larry Blumenfeld
Thus even index investing god Burton Malkiel thinks he can beat the market by adding some Chinese octane to his asset mix.
FORBES: Malkiel Shills For Indexing Again, But Backs Baidu Just In Case
Not every game is going to feature high-octane offense and pristine shooting.
There are plenty of financial instruments today, such as derivatives and futures, for those who want the rushes and crashes of high-octane trading.
The final product was used in the film during a high-octane action sequence, which resulted in the meticulously crafted prop receiving a Wile E.
ENGADGET: Voxeljet 3D printer used to produce Skyfall's Aston Martin stunt double
But perhaps the biggest surprise of all has been the effect the high-octane, energy-drenched version of the game has had on its elder statesmen.
The man we used to call Sir Fred played the high-octane game of low interest rates and aggressive acquisition, which many others were playing.
Manning, Brady, Roethlisberger: Seldom has an NFL team ever had to negotiate its way past such a high-octane triumvirate to reach the Super Bowl.
The company breathlessly heralded its new investment vehicle as a "truly revolutionary" way for individual investors to access the high-octane world of venture capital.
It was, like the meal before it, excellent, but all of it, what with the pints of high-octane pale ale, made for a gouty afternoon.