• Last week, he sat glowering in the House of Commons while Dawn Primarolo, a junior treasury minister of limited ability, tried to explain why one of Mr Brown's flagship policies, laudably designed to help the working poor, had instead driven large numbers of them into distress and penury.

    ECONOMIST: Bagehot

  • The role of pension funds in such suits became all the more important after the securities-law reform of 1995 that limited the ability of some plaintiffs to file shareholder lawsuits.

    WSJ: Pay-to-Play and the Tort Bar

  • The Internet is policed, at least to the best of the (very limited) ability of Venezuela's not very competent security forces.

    CNN: Chavez clown prince of a decaying society

  • However, domestic political constraints, specifically the power of Islamists within the country, severely limited the ability of Musharraf to fully comply with U.S. demands.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Pakistani Tribal Region

  • This will provide the GOP with an important lesson that Democrats, with their head full of idealism and hope and change, have learned over the past four years: the limited ability of the President to control the economy.

    FORBES: If Mitt Romney Loses: What It Means For The Republican Party

  • This would keep it going while America, South Korea and Japan built for it two nuclear-power plants of a type with limited ability to produce weapons-grade material.

    ECONOMIST: North Korea’s nasty business | The

  • In recent years, the high costs of regulatory compliance associated with Sarbanes-Oxley and the effects of Dodd-Frank combined with a waning initial public offering (IPO) market and increasing global competition have limited the ability of smaller companies to access new capital through the public markets.

    FORBES: Washington And The Markets Unite To Foster Small-Company Growth

  • Last year the Supreme Court limited the ability of small outfits in patent cases to get injunctions against large companies.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • It will be under strict instructions to cut payments to Medicare providers, regardless of the consequences, with limited ability for Congress to overrule its edicts.

    FORBES: Washington Is Tightening Its Grip On Medical Decision-making

  • Those mobile phone tower attacks have limited the ability of residents and security forces to call for help during attacks, as well as have cut the government's ability to use the signals to track suspected militants.

    NPR: Attackers Kill 3 North Korean Doctors In Nigeria

  • Handheld computers and wireless net-phones would also benefit from a less chatty protocol, more efficient use of their limited battery power, the ability to cope in noisy environments, and an easier way to send files while on the move (from, say, digital cameras).

    ECONOMIST: An interplanetary Internet: The wire of the worlds | The

  • The influx of applications followed a 2010 Supreme Court decision that limited the government's ability to restrict many types of political donations and expenditures.

    WSJ: FBI Opens Criminal Probe of IRS Monitoring of Tea-Party Groups

  • The army might be motivated by venial desires to protect its power and patronage, but the fact that Morsi is ultimately answerable to Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, chairman of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces and defense minister, means his ability to construct any kind of theocracy is severely limited.

    CNN: An Islamic state in Egypt can still mean democracy

  • It was justified as a tax on the ability of stockholders to enjoy limited liability.

    FORBES: Let the Income Tax Die at Age 100

  • In this context, he attaches particular importance to Senator Pinochet's memory deficit for recent events, which would affect his ability to relate and understand items of information given to him at a trial, and to his limited ability to comprehend complex sentences and questions and to process verbal information.

    BBC: Straw's statement in full

  • The issue is that Jones-Drew, who is only 27-years-old, has been informed about the short shelf life of an NFL player (particularly a running back), may be entering the best years of his career (from a production standpoint), and wants to take advantage of his limited opportunity to capitalize on his proven ability to rack up rushing yards (he had 1, 606 yards rushing in 2011).

    FORBES: Public Discussion Of Maurice Jones-Drew Holdout Will Not Affect His Brand

  • Despite the Government loan guarantees, American bankers said that they were worried about the declining ability of the Soviet Union to pay its bills and that their own financial problems had limited their ability to make loans to anyone.


  • The complaint also states that regional providers face significant competitive limitations, largely stemming from their lack of national networks, and are therefore limited in their ability to compete with the four national carriers.

    ENGADGET: US government files to block proposed AT&T / T-Mobile merger (update: companies respond)

  • Officials are unable to describe the full scope of the problem, however, because they have had limited ability to pull together all the private data.

    WSJ: U.S. Program to Detect Cyber Attacks on Infrastructure

  • The unique ability of technology to enable today's limited educational resources to scale quickly and affordably across great distances to a great many people makes it an essential ingredient in our efforts to transform education.

    FORBES: Bill Gates

  • Typically, we have limited ability to obtain a complete 360 degree view of our prospects and customers.

    FORBES: To Improve Marketing, Look No Further Than Your IT Department

  • Despite its nuclear and jihadist cachet, Pakistan's ability to challenge the power of Arab governments is limited.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Israel's daunting task

  • But for retirees with limited ability to boost their income and greater likelihood of big medical bills, it's even more of an uphill battle.

    WSJ: Retirement Is No Holiday From Debt

  • The barriers we break in pursuit of our inquisitiveness result in our ability to peer beyond our limited horizon, watching the singularity if ever we can, would the ultimate achievement of us homosapiens.

    FORBES: Connect

  • They set the broad parameters of Iranian foreign policy and strategy, leaving the president with a limited ability to maneuver in determining the country's international relations.

    CNN: Commentary: Ahmadinejad's problem with women

  • But Lord Falconer argued that MPs would have "a more limited ability to evict a government which has lost the confidence of the Commons".

    BBC: Labour rejects plan for fixed five-year Parliaments

  • Because this infrastructure is quickly aging and the ability to produce more electricity is limited in some parts of the country, energy efficiency will undoubtedly be a key factor in addressing this growth.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Reconnecting a mere 10% to 15% of nerves across a crushed spine may be enough for paraplegics to regain limited walking ability or for quadriplegics to be able to use their hands again, estimates Dr. Volker Dietz, who treats spinal cord patients at Balgrist University Hospital in Zurich.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • As well, Iraqi insurgents often are launching their attacks from densely populated regions, "so even though the point of launch can be determined with great precision, the ability to shoot back is limited, " Scales says.

    NPR: VA Chaplain Grapples with the Toll of War

  • While the existing Aegis system would have very limited ability to shoot down long-range ballistic missiles, the presence of an American missile defense of even uncertain effectiveness may help dissuade nations contemplating attacks and comfort coalition partners, other allies, and U.S. personnel sent into harm's way who have reason to fear those attacks.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

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