The aim is to improve performance and quality of service, reduce costs, and simplify management.
The order of service features Wordsworth's Intimations of Immortality and TS Eliot's Little Gidding.
Levels of service are a cultural thing and don't need to be messed with.
Despite the decision, the bank retired him in September after 29 years of service.
The American people owe Jim an unbelievable debt of gratitude for a lifetime of service.
The next level of service offerings has centered around enabling lifestyles of the masses.
The trust is looking at alternative ways of service delivery using the resources we have.
The emphasis is both on reliability as well as economics and speed of service.
Because that kind of service and sacrifice has defined our nation for more than two centuries.
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He authored the FAQs and Terms of Service and ran their social media accounts.
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Her service provider might remove the video as a violation of its terms of service.
Existing housing does little to create new employment beyond limited levels of service employment.
When I canceled the remaining 11 months of service, the customer loyalty representative asked me why.
And he is setting an extraordinary example of service and patriotism by assuming this difficult post.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama's Statement on General McChrystal and Afghanistan | The White House
"After 14 years of service, it is time that another person takes over, " he had announced.
Brian Iglesias is a combat decorated Marine infantry officer with over 18 years of service.
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And who wants to be on the opposite end of that kind of service?
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In 1983, with just over 18 years of service he was granted a disability pension.
It is anticipated that covered firms will undertake staff training and oversight of service providers.
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But Soderling showed few signs of nerves with an immediate break of service to lead 3-0.
And YouTube yanked the video after it registered 150, 000 views, citing terms of service.
Payouts will also be cut from four weeks' pay for each year of service, to two.
These companies have greater ability to invest in infrastructure and a full suite of service offerings.
This is the type of service that should be a standard calendar appointment feature.
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She said the contracting out of cleaning services has meant the quality of service has decreased.
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The inspectors looked at patient care and welfare, medicines management and the monitoring of service provision.
And that is very much the kind of service that community colleges can provide.
That means the level of service (such as the genius bar) is not the same.
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An 88-year old man has retired after 65 years of service with an Oxfordshire bus company.
Failure to follow such rules result in very hefty fines and possible suspension of service.