Why worry about something that is off-the-scale in terms of risk?
Despite the clashes, the leading ethnic Albanian politician in Macedonia expressed optimism about negotiations to end the crisis and head off a full-scale war in the Balkan country.
The cloned cells would be genetically identical to the patient's own, so they could replace part of an ailing brain or heart without touching off a full-scale attack from the patient's immune system.
So we are a long way off from large-scale production in most non-Gulf coastal regions, and hence that whopping three cents a gallon reduction in gasoline prices may be pushed off past 2030.
Frequent use was made of off-balance-sheet vehicles, on a greater scale even than Enron.
ECONOMIST: Online, straight from the gut and politically incorrect
Atlantic Wind Connection CEO Mitchell believes large wind will be in full-scale development off New Jersey by around 2019.
FORBES: In A Bold Move, Massachusetts Stakes Out Its Role in US Offshore Wind Development
Facebook's response comes off the back of a large-scale online campaign from a number of prominent women's rights groups.
Uovo's indoor loading bay, for example, is designed to accommodate a wide-load tractor-trailer, and artworks as large as 40 feet long can be carried straight off the truck into a large-scale storage space.
In many sectors, there are legitimate economies of scale that prevent laid-off workers from self-organising into smaller firms.
But over the past few years, offbeat smaller-scale works have been taking off, thanks largely to digital-distribution platforms that give a broader audience access to them.
They will create a free, one off cross art-form performance, featuring huge scale digital projections and live music in the centre of Bristol from 13 -- 19 August 2012.
The increase in so-called utility-scale installations masked relatively flat growth in residential rooftop solar and a fall-off in commercial installations.
Next, large-scale components of the homes are prefabricated off site to save time, money and resources.
Animal tests have yielded promising results, and large-scale human trials are expected to kick off in coming months.
Few people off the grid have the funds to buy the kilowatt-scale solar system commonly found on Gridder homes.
FORBES: Why Solar Makes More Economic Sense In Tanzania Than In Florida
Dean Zarras has been writing software since 1982, focusing on large-scale trading and risk management systems on and off Wall Street.
As our Land Cruiser sped off down toward the nine-tent Olakira Camp, the sheer scale of the landscape unfolded, the spiny flat-tops of the acacia trees dotting undulating fields of grass and gentle hills rolling out to wide open vistas of scruffy brush.
Gold in recent weeks has sold off as investors have bet the Fed would scale back its easy-money policies soon.
At the other end of the scale, questions have been raised about the impact off-spinner Graeme Swann would have in Australia.
With tight budgets, few mid-size firms can afford to take their eye off top-line growth to re-implement business applications that can scale or provide global reach required to meet their objectives.
FORBES: Why Midsize Companies Are Set to Lead Economic Growth
Sunday UpMarket off Brick Lane sells apparel, accessories and home goods from small-scale designers, and Broadway Market, located in the uber cool Hackney area, is known for celebrity spottings and delicious Ghanaian food.
Once a market has captured most of the trading volume in equities, it can reap economies of scale that enable it to see off even a potentially low-cost rival, and its grip on liquidity then becomes self-reinforcing.
ECONOMIST: America��s leading stock exchanges need modernisation
And recently Israel and America conducted large-scale missile-defence exercises to demonstrate their ability to fend off possible retaliation by Iran.
Such projects will throw off huge amounts of data, and one aim of the institute is to develop the large-scale database management tools required to synthesize and use all that information.
None of the existing places that insist on being outside Los Angeles is on the scale of the valley, which if it goes off on its own will be the sixth-largest city in America.
It's too late for a park on the scale of Gettysburg or Antietam, but off the side roads important battlefield fragments still exist, behind split-rail fences, amidst cattle, corn and glistening yellow tobacco leaves.