Even younger residents drop off-the-cuff references to figures like Paul Revere in their casual bar-room banter.
The apparently off-the-cuff remark in an interview with Indian media astonished Pakistanis as much as Indians.
There's too much at stake for you to be gambling on audiences and their off-the-cuff questions.
Politics, he now claims in an eloquent but hardly off-the-cuff peroration, is the natural culmination of his life.
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Kotlyar says the features are mostly off-the-cuff ideas from Gmail engineers that take just a few hours to develop.
Apparently, his off-the-cuff speech has boosted interest in his new Warner Bros. movie, Trouble With The Curve.
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There's not much to the off-the-cuff comparison except that, like the telephone giant, McNamee is trying to exploit the Internet.
And she did not say that in the context of off-the-cuff remarks where you could reasonably presume that she simply misspoke.
The casual jacket and off-the-cuff remarks have now given way to formal attire and interviews, to project a more presidential image.
Shot before an audience of just 60 fans at the Carousel House in Asbury Park, the set has a sweet, off-the-cuff feel.
Why is it so important that you know how to give a smart, savvy off-the-cuff reply in any impromptu situation at work?
FORBES: Eight Steps to an Impressive Off-the-Cuff Reply at Work
Others turn away due to the risk of well-documented personal attacks, disclosure issues or media scrutiny from off-the-cuff commentary.
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Ryan vowed to tone down the Super Bowl predictions and off-the-cuff commentary.
While off-the-cuff comments about tree size may provide low-hanging fruit for late-night shows, they are not usually a good measure of a speech.
That moment was likely the first time the target of his off-the-cuff comments were aimed at a popular group, instead of an ethnic minority.
Instead, we politely give an off-the-cuff response that often results in the kind of well-intentioned, yet irrelevant advice that was given in the example above.
Federico Lombardi said it was likely Francis, at least for the moment, given the off-the-cuff style, was sticking with Italian, a language he's comfortable with.
Immerse yourself in regular, off-the-cuff communication with consumers about the brand.
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Francis then told an off-the-cuff story from his childhood in Argentina.
He is proving to be a talented flesh-presser and off-the-cuff speaker.
Applicants have also frantically sought help with Harvard Business School's new "reflection, " a short, off-the-cuff note that must be submitted within 24 hours of an admissions interview.
It is an off-the-cuff social comedy in which he has allowed (encouraged?) the normally subtle Katrin Cartlidge to deliver a manic performance that is 200% over the top.
He is not a team man, and has a disarming habit of making impulsive, off-the-cuff sallies which look only slightly better in opposition than they would in office.
Therefore, we remain wary of off-the-cuff commentary and political rhetoric.
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"I am here, I am here, I am here, and will remain here more determined than before, " Berlusconi said, speaking non-stop and off-the-cuff for nearly an hour in a remarkable show of vigor.
There's an off-the-cuff quality to the storytelling here -- the movie rewrites its own laws of physics whenever it's convenient to do so -- which by rights should be a bigger problem than it is.
This is no off-the-cuff remark.
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The lesson for all politicians and anyone else making statements that could be embarrassing is simple: in this era of access to incredibly good audio and video recorders by everyone that carry a smartphone or tablet, it would probably be wise to be very careful not to make off-the-cuff candid remarks, especially if you are running for president.
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Which is a good thing, because speaking in fluent Italian - and often off the cuff - to journalists in a packed Paul VI Hall, Pope Francis told of the moment he was elected.
Along the way, she made the case for government services, pointing out in now famous off-the cuff comments that no one makes it completely on their own efforts, but needs the help of the wider society, remarks that no doubt have greater resonance in the wake of Hurricane Sandy.
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