• Off-limits to foreigners during the Cold War because of its military bases, it had become accessible again.

    FORBES: Catch and Release

  • Huge swathes of the Sahel region south of the Sahara Desert have been rendered off-limits to foreigners.

    BBC: Mali kidnapping: One dead and three seized in Timbuktu

  • Publishing, telecommunications, oil exploration, marketing, pharmaceuticals, banking and insurance all remain either fiercely protected or off-limits to foreigners altogether.

    ECONOMIST: Selling foreign goods in China

  • These labs are operated by the military and Interior Ministry, are highly-secure and off-limits to foreigners and visiting scientists.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Congress of the United States

  • Especially with much of the country off-limits to foreigners due to security restrictions and the military's economic operations, tourists already clog all existing suitable hotels in Yangon, Bagan and Mandalay, meaning a massive upgrade is needed in the hospitality sector.

    CNN: From Burma to Myanmar: Land of rising expectations

  • The pueblo of grass roofed buildings, round river-stone plazas and pre-Colombian magic is off limits to camera-clad foreigners.

    BBC: Colombia��s spiritual centre

  • Educators feared that all courses below university level might be ruled off limits to overseas students, even though between 40% and 50% of foreigners at British universities had taken an earlier course in Britain, usually to hone language or study skills.

    ECONOMIST: Student visas

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