Something thick and aggressive for a night spent fending off White Walkers in an approaching storm.
Collin Cowgill's two-run home run off White started the Mets' comeback in the third inning.
Another group of researchers interviewed parents and children from 124 well-off white middle-class families in three English cities.
But play went on, and Australia struck once more when Tendulkar, looking to push a single off White to reach his 50th Test fifty, mistimed the shot, hitting straight to Clarke.
There are literally hundreds of chunky knits around in either white or off-white.
Wearing ankle bracelets, handcuffs, and a belly chain, Dellelo was marched into a thirteen-by-eight-foot off-white cell.
His wife, seated in the third row wearing an off-white trench coat, stared ahead.
Nicole Kidman looked stunning in an off-white gown with electric blue paillettes on the front bodice.
FORBES: Heidi Klum, Nicole Kidman, Sofia Vergara Sizzle On The Emmy Awards Red Carpet
The Isku FX features off-white UV- coated keys and your choice of backlighting in 16.8 million colors and 6 adjustable brightness levels.
ENGADGET: ROCCAT ISKU FX keyboard ships worldwide, lights up gaming for $100
Even the best hotel in town, Yali Otel, is an unassuming off-white building without a prominent signboard or even a reception desk.
It is also difficult to maintain consistent outputs from the different LEDs so light from the devices tends to drift into off-white hues.
Here at CES 2013, Samsung is showing off a white version of its 13-inch Series 9 Ultrabook -- the same second-gen model that's been shipping since last year.
Then he picks up an Oreo, delicately twists it apart, and licks off the white cream filling before returning the cookie to the tray, a satisfied look on his face.
The rapid decline in U.S. emissions has taken some pressure off the White House after the 2010 failure of a cap-and-trade bill meant to put a price on carbon emissions.
WSJ: Rise in U.S. Gas Production Fuels Unexpected Plunge in Emissions
The project calls for the off-white wind turbines in a 25-square-mile area in a shallow part of the sound, a triangular body of water surrounded by Cape Cod, Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard.
But there were those with serious ailments who were also thrown out of hospital as junior doctors took off their white robes and followed their resident and intern colleagues out the door.
CNN: From Our Correspondent: The Great Korean Medical Fiasco
She grasps the Virgin at the knees, beginning a clockwise oval of hot color the Magdalene's vermilion robe to the orange in Mary's group, to the very warm off-white of the man on the left-hand ladder, to the red-orange garments along the top of the cross, and back down to the weeping man's molten vanilla robe.
WSJ: Il Rosso Fiorentino | Deposition | A Maelstrom of Grief | Masterpiece by Peter Plagens
They drove off in the white Vauxhall Astra and abandoned the pair, aged 18-months and five, half a mile away.
Pull off the small white piece of muscle that is attached to the side of the scallops (some might not have it).
But Scotland gifted the three points straight back from the kick-off when Jason White fumbled his catch and John Barclay caught the ball offside.
It might have been even harsher, had Mr Geithner not fought off calls by White House aides who wanted to, for instance, set firm lending targets.
In terms of ports, there's nothing faster than USB 2.0, and the color range will put some people off too: white pearl, pink pearl or blue pearl, and definitely no lobster red.
ENGADGET: LG P220 ultraportable specs and shipping date revealed, still no price tag
Linn County Sheriff Tim Mueller joins several other public officials across the nation who have decided to square off with the White House even before it outlines what its plans are for expanded measures.
CNN: Oregon sheriff: 'Unconstitutional' gun control laws won't be enforced
The FCC has been more than a little eager to repurpose spectrum as wireless internet access takes off: white spaces and iDEN frequencies have already switched roles, and that's not including the myriad of spectrum swaps.
The obsession of the novel's characters with degrees of skin colour, or the lack thereof, threatens to force the heroine, a near-white black, to call off her planned marriage to a white jazz musician and instead to encourage the crude advances of a nut-brown man with three daughters.
After over 28, 000 people petitioned the White House to give federal employees the day off on Christmas Eve, the White House responded with an executive order granting many of them just that.
FORBES: Beyond the Death Star: White House Proving its Petition Site is More Than Just a Sideshow
This set off speculation that the White House was preparing itself for more bad news.
As soon as I pulled up, there was a familiar, if bizarre, white structure off in the distance.
Five courtyards show off blue doors against white walls, and 16th-century fountains.
Imagine, for a moment, today's tiresome conflicts settled on the field of honor:Martha Stewart and U.S. Attorney Mary Jo White facing off with rapiers at dawn.