Alice herself, well played by the grave and spectrally pallid Mia Wasikowska, is no child but a stubborn young lady, scorning an offer of marriage in the overworld and descending, instead, to the subterranean.
NEWYORKER: Alice in Wonderland
If Leahy were to offer a gay marriage amendment, attention would turn to Sens.
NPR: Study: Immigration Bill Would Help Social Security
For those computer users with significant content needs dual storage approaches like the Fusion Drive as well as hybrid HDDs could offer an ideal marriage of capacity and speed.
FORBES: Will A Fusion Drive Approach Become Widespread in Computers?
Other countries, such as Colombia, do not recognise gay marriage but do offer civil guarantees, including the right to draw a pension if one partner dies.
BBC: Q&A: Argentina gay marriage law
The bill will allow same-sex marriage and let religious organisations which want to, to offer them, the culture department says.
BBC: Gay marriage: MPs set to vote on proposals for the first time
By patiently letting legislatures and the voters decide the social and practical implications of same-sex marriage over the past decade, the high court is now poised to perhaps offer the final word on tricky constitutional questions.
CNN: Obama views on same-sex marriage reflect societal shifts
Then in mid-November, Werner Wenning, the CEO, said that the company would accept a minority role in any future marriage of its pharmaceutical business, increasing the chances that someone will make a serious offer for the inventor of aspirin and for its extensive European sales network.
FORBES: Bayer backs down