Moya said the office clerk showed him her computer screen and the file did not contain a specific reason why he was not allowed to apply for the travel document.
Greuel got the other 46%, figures from the City Clerk's Office show.
The two women showed up at the New York City Clerk's Office, plopped down their money for a marriage license and were politely turned down.
"The Conn situation was something we really harped on, " said Jennifer Griffith, a master docket clerk in the office until she left in late 2007.
WSJ: High Approvals From Judge Deciding Social Security Disability Claims
It's unclear whether the current, temporary council president could make that appointment, and that issue, too, could end up in court, the official in the clerk's office said.
The Erie County Clerk's office received 852 applications from residents seeking their first pistol permit in January and February, nearly double the number during those months last year.
Thanks to political impasse, the council is technically without an official president, and instead has an acting president, or vice president, an official with the Newark city clerk's office said.
The 1st District Court of Appeals in Tallahassee had not, by 4 p.m. received an appeal challenging the 5 p.m. deadline from either the Gore campaign or Volusia County, an official in the clerk's office said.
We see the results of policy initiatives to increase opportunities for integrated employment for people with disabilities in people like Mark Trezise, a clerk at a county government office who has an intellectual disability.
When she heard the crackling over the PA, school library clerk Mary Ann Jacob called the office to tell them the system was still on.
At the travel office in Zurich Airport's arrivals zone, a neatly dressed clerk invites me forward with a smile.
Sheila Mawhinney, the clerk of the ad hoc committee, said she had sent a reminder to the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister's (OFMDFM) equality unit but had received no word back.