The state most afflicted by bed bugs is a bit of a surprise: Ohio.
Stumble across a hand-blown glass candy dish in Italy or a basket maker in rural Ohio?
The lawsuit, which seeks unspecified damages, is still pending in state court in Ohio.
Similar tales from the same era credit burger innovators in Ohio, Texas, Connecticut and beyond.
But he showed good taste by converting an Ohio rally into a storm relief event.
Every year, the town of Avon, Ohio, finds itself in a very sticky situation.
On the regulated side the company serves 1.5 million gas and electric customers in Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio.
Schools with both men's and women's lacrosse include Maryland, Michigan, Ohio State, Penn State and Rutgers.
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There is no comprehensible reason any conservative or Republican should support the law in Ohio.
The destruction prompted state of emergency declarations by governors of Maryland, Ohio, West Virginia and Virginia.
Mr. Kern's body was discovered in rural Ohio about 90 miles from Mr. Pauley's.
But in Ohio, in recent years, there has been an effort to do more.
Last week I got in touch with the Ohio Department of Transportation to ask about them.
Hall, of Elyria, Ohio, was killed in an explosion while serving in Garmsir, Afghanistan.
Ohio attorney, David Langdon, founder of the Jobs and Progress Fund, didn't respond to messages yesterday.
In no other state are the woes of the Republican party exemplified more than in Ohio.
The Cleveland, Ohio-based REIT gets an F for performance and a C for value this year.
The House leadership promised a vote last week on a resolution by Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio).
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Dave Herbert was a stocky, talkative building contractor in an Ohio State athletic jersey.
Michelle was not officially registered as missing at the Ohio Police Missing Persons website.
The bio says Paul wen to college at Miami of Ohio and studied economics.
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His donations spread beyond New York to Rhode Island, Mississippi and Ohio, among other states.
This time round, Florida and Ohio are again expected to be among the key battlegrounds.
So did someone in Ohio give Splash a tip that Anthony was in town?
So the question is, how did SplashNews happen to know that Anthony was prowling around Ohio?
Similar experiments are under way in Ohio, Rhode Island and Virginia, but on a smaller scale.
Now UA's new football cleat is getting a big publicity boost from Ohio State linebacker A.J.
This past April, a second business called the Wreck Room opened in Toledo, Ohio.
That 257, 133-vote swing almost wipes out Mr. Obama's 2008 Ohio victory margin of 262, 224.