Director Cordray, who previously served as Franklin County Ohio Treasurer, Ohio State Representative, Ohio State Treasurer and Ohio State Attorney General, spoke about his experiences as a state and local official and the importance of the CFPB partnering with local enforcement organizations to prevent predatory lenders from taking advantage of the American people.
But tongue-in-cheek prosecutors in Ohio's Butler County accuse the rodent of deliberately misleading the public.
Fifth Third, Eastern's bank, is suing the company and Gibson in Hamilton County, Ohio.
The homepage of the Butler County, Ohio, prosecutor's office, which Gmoser heads, prominently features alerts against scammers.
Akron is in Ohio's Summit County, a blue-collar battleground within perhaps the 2012 campaign's defining battleground state.
One of those officers was Deputy Sheriff Suzanne Hopper, from Clark County, Ohio.
The President will travel to Lorain County in Ohio on Friday, January 22nd, the next stop on the White House to Main Street tour.
Butler County, Ohio, prosecutor Mike Gmoser told the AP that he's reconsidering the charges in light of the new evidence and may issue a full pardon.
In fact, a study in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, found that 10 percent of paper ballots attached to its touchscreen machines were blank, ripped or otherwise uncountable.
Mr. JIM ROKAKIS (Treasurer, Cuyahoga County, Ohio): I think declaring a period of a moratorium and foreclosures and arm resets is not a bad place to start.
And on Friday the President will travel, as we've previously announced, to Lorain County, Ohio, for the next stop on the White House to Main Street tour.
The presumptive Republican nominee for president of the United States included the so-called Holy Land in his itinerary for secular purposes, seeking support in precincts with concentrations of Jewish voters, including those in so-called battleground states, such as Palm Beach and Broward counties in Florida, Clark County, Nevada, and Cuyahoga County, Ohio.
Loews unit Lorillard Tobacco alleged double-dipping in a contentious lawsuit in Ohio's Cayahoga County, in which mesothelioma victim Harry Kananian obtained hundreds of thousands of dollars from bankruptcy trusts by submitting claims with false details, such as describing himself as a shipyard worker when he merely passed through a shipyard on his way to Japan in World War II.
This week, I got the chance to sit down with some impressive students at Lorain County Community College in Ohio.
In December, the county was directed by Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner to scrap its touch-screen voting system, which had been plagued with problems, and to replace it with optically scanned paper ballots.
Ohio authorities respond to multi-car crash on Interstate 275 between Hamilton and Colerain avenue exits in Colerain Township, northwestern Hamilton County, near Cincinnati, Ohio January 21, 2013.
Earlier today, President Obama visited Lorain County Community College in Elyria, Ohio to highlight how federal job training funding is helping unemployed workers get the skills they need to compete for jobs in high-demand, high-growth industries.
WASHINGTON, DC -- Today, the President will visit Lorain County Community College in Elyria, Ohio to highlight how federal job training funding is providing critical services for unemployed workers and helping them to get jobs in high-demand, high-growth industries.
Ohio doesn't track leasing data, but county courthouses have seen a surge in lease filings.
"It could be a real good thing, " says 23-year-old Frank Johnson, who lives in the Pope County seat of Golconda, a shrinking Ohio River town of 670.
Vice President Joe Biden was recently dispatched to Democratic stronghold Jefferson County in the important swing state of Ohio, in part because Obama barely eked out a win over John McCain in the predominately white, working-class community.
John Lenhart, a consultant with Plastipak Packaging in Jackson Center, Ohio, and an officer with the Sidney-Shelby County Chamber of Commerce, said any bailout should have strong strings attached.
Back in the 2004 Presidential election The Guardian had the bright idea of calling on prominent British lefties to write to individual (and picked at random) voters in that county in, I think it was, Ohio.
Local restrictions have been imposed in several other places, including Brooklyn, Ohio (where 500 people have been fined), and Westchester County, New York.
Which is why the Ohio General Assembly authorized that a stretch of State Route 2 in Lorain County -- David Hall's home county -- be named, now and forever, to honor him.
The unemployment rate in Clinton County, which contains Wilmington, is 15.8%, the highest in Ohio, itself one of the hardest-hit states.
The Hamilton County Board of Elections is investigating 19 possible cases of alleged voter fraud that occurred when Ohio was a focal point of the 2012 presidential election.
FORBES: Voter Disenfranchisement Efforts Hit Desperate New Low In NRO Hit Piece
He looked at some of the fastest-growing areas of the country and wants Republicans to focus on Loudon County, which might decide Virginia, or other fast-growing areas that could decide Ohio, Florida and Georgia.
Hamilton County takes in the city of Cincinnati, tucked deep into the south-west corner of Ohio.