Getting there took hours upon hours of flight time, one thousand miles north of now oil-boom-town Edmonton, Alberta, flying over an unending expanse of trees, lakes and rocky mineral-laden terrain.
During the oil-price boom of 2008 they did not even cover the cost of the fuel burned in Indonesia's power stations.
Equatorial Guinea, which has been issuing lots of prospecting licenses and is seeing its speck of an economy grow at breakneck speed on the back of an oil-exploration boom, could emerge as the region's third-largest producer, with 740, 000 barrels a day by then.
Today, the automaker announced that it will repurpose 100 miles of oil-soaked plastic boom used during the Gulf oil spill into plastic parts for the Chevy Volt.
Whoever wins will oversee the continued oil-fuelled spending boom in the coming years.
Others include Oklahoma City, prospering on the shale-fracking boom in oil and gas, and Denver, which is adding jobs in construction, professional services and mining.
In that sense it's no surprise that every industrial boom--from oil in the 19th century, to autos in the early 20th, to technology in the late 20th century--was largely characterized by American entrepreneurs.
Furthermore, oil-dependent governments, facing a population boom and realizing that they need to diversify their economy to create jobs and wealth, are subsidizing the industrial sector to manufacture plastics, chemicals and aluminum, all energy-intensive goods.
FORBES: Could We See A Summer Oil Shortage? This Economist Says Yes.
For Gulf oil producers, boom times are back, with a fury unseen since the oil-price shocks of the 1970s.
Colorado fears another boom-and-bust oil shale cycle, as in the early 1980s.
Despite paying initial lip-service to the need to counteract the debilitating oil-price cycle by saving money during the boom years, he has virtually emptied the fund set up in 1998 for that purpose.
Long before we run out of the cheapest shale oils that are now fueling the current American oil boom, and long before bio-engineers convince bacteria to excrete oil, hydrocarbon engineers will perfect cheap coal-to-liquids. (For a measured technical exploration of all this, see the National Academy of Sciences report.) The latter will unleash another boom.
FORBES: The International Energy Agency Catches Up With America's Oil Producers
Lawrence Summers, America's treasury secretary, attracted attention recently when he likened the new-technology boom to a positive supply-side shock, the converse of the oil-price shocks of the 1970s.
We are now in the midst of the third great oil boom (the first two being 1973-74 and 1979-80).
The combination of oil dependence and production constraints set up a self-sabotaging boom and bust cycle.
Inflation rates vary dramatically and fiscal deficits, which have been absent since the start of the oil boom in 2003, are about to re-emerge in some countries this year.
The boom has all the standard features of an oil-price shock, except that, compared with the more familiar cases of 1973-74 and 1979-80, and the not-so-noticed case of 1990-91, this one happened in reverse.
In 2008 a still-growing rich world and a boom in developing countries pushed demand for oil and food up against the limits of supply.
ECONOMIST: The charge-sheet against commodity speculators is flimsy
Without it, the energy boom will flow out of our leaky grid like oil from a bad cement-job.
FORBES: Fiscal Cliff? What We Really Need Is Another Stimulus
After years of unemployment rates above 8 percent and masses of workers dropping out of the labor market, a boom in the oil patch would add large numbers of desperately needed, high-paying jobs.
Messrs Paterson and Gordon also raise concerns that the transfer from Whitehall to Scotland of regulation, licensing, inspection and safety is a major undertaking, particularly in a mature region for oil and gas, with ageing equipment, hard-to-reach reserves and a looming boom in decommissioning.
Also, the shale boom in the U.S. and the long-term potential of the oil sands business in Canada might have prompted a shift in focus.
The grab by Argentina for control its national oil company, YPF, should throw the fear of God into investors round the globe about the way revenue-hungry politicians are trying to cash in on the global boom in natural resources like oil, gold, copper, iron ore.
FORBES: Emerging Market Nations Are Screwing Natural Resource Investors
Mr. Obama spent the past election year bragging that gas and oil production had risen on his watch, hoping to cadge some credit for the economic boom that has accompanied private-sector drilling advances.
The good news is that so-called green transportation is a solution to a problem that is more contrived than real given the global oil boom and the emergence of natural gas, not electric motors, as the major alternative to gasoline and diesel.
FORBES: After Billions Of Taxpayer Dollars, Green Transportation Is A Bust