Now at the grizzled old age of 27, Kweller has a new album, Changing Horses.
Longevity is at its highest, and effective health care has made old age more active and enjoyable.
Support for Obama among the 18- to 29-year-old age group has dropped to 48%.
If you choose to have a child at an old age there might be consequences.
Washington subsidizes single parenthood while reorienting retirement and old age care away from a multi-generational continuity.
FORBES: Congress's Policies Steal Our Freedoms While Rewarding Irresponsibility
However, he pledged his support for pensioners to "achieve proper dignity in old age".
BBC: Swansea Visteon pensioners take campaign to Westminster
The "simple concept" of saving for old age has been made "extremely complicated", the report begins.
That means harmful mutations whose effects appear in old age can still be eliminated.
She feels the quality of old age is determined by how people are treated.
Equally as important, old age seems to breed an acceptance of life as it is.
He married again, divorced and married a lasting helpmate for old age, Vava Brodsky.
Those in the 30 to 49 year old age group started businesses at a higher rate.
Yet it seems extreme old age has been around longer than we might think.
Pupils are about to perform a Christmas musical medley for the old age pensioners' club.
"I'll pay for your child care, your education and your old age, " he says.
After all, the hardship of poor health in old age is not guaranteed by any means.
FORBES: When It Comes To Retirement, Is Youth Wasted On The Young?
Already, Alzheimer's and other diseases of old age account for some 70% of health-care reimbursements.
It was true that old age had finally got her, as her daughter-in-law said.
Many were once middle class but, due to illness, are without financial resources in old age.
FORBES: Medicaid, The Frail Elderly, And Federal Budget Cuts
The actors creak around in the most ghastly, unconvincing guises of old age, seemingly disorientated.
And people will have to be persuaded to save a lot more for their old age.
We all hope Mr. Jobs enjoys the best of health and lives to a ripe old age.
It may also affect productivity, if some people have, or choose, to work on into old age.
ECONOMIST: Social conventions and demography add to the sclerosis
His attention is focused on the old age welfare system, comprising pensions, health care, and nursing care.
Did the bull market of 1982-2000 start because the 1966-82 bear market simply died of old age?
So with the right support, it's possible to live a healthy life into old age with HIV.
BBC: 'Nobody is prepared' - The challenges of ageing with HIV
Rather they look on lots of children as a means of helping them in their old age.
K-longs, as befits their name, live to the ripe old age of a hundred-millionth of a second.
Miss Hepburn swam throughout the year off Long Island, a regime she kept up into old age.
He had no car, telephone or even bicycle, and chopped his own firewood deep into old age.