In fact, she once told me that there were three Claras in her soul: a little girl, an old crone enslaved by her family, and a young woman, the real Clara, who wanted to get out of that city forever, who wanted to paint, and take photos, and travel, and live.
Tina has four standout arias, tracing her awakening to life and feeling after years in the shadows, as the Lodger seduces her to get access to the papers. (Their a cappella duet at the end of Act I is an ingenious piece of writing.) As Juliana, the fierce Alexandra Deshorties slipped easily from embodying the young opera diva, warbling bel canto-style coloratura, to the old crone.
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Mr. Crone was an old hand at News International, where he made a name on Fleet Street defending the company's racy tabloids in court.
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