On balance, stabilization seems to be the order of business, rather that contraction or acceleration.
Growth in the West simply had become extremely low, or in Europe, on balance, non-existent.
Patriarchs add value in two ways that do not appear on balance-sheets, says Mr Fan.
Corporate free cash flow and cash on balance sheet is at an all-time high.
Digital English is no good for poetry or novels, but on balance it's refreshing.
Eventually, international rules will probably be tightened to require the actual, volatile numbers on balance sheets.
Rothken responds that many technologies have dual uses, but on balance provide more public good.
On balance, considering effects on the economy, the main source must be the consumption tax.
"I am satisfied, that on balance, the benefits of this scheme outweigh these concerns, " he said.
"On balance, there's pluses and minuses in the release, " said David Tinsley at BNP Paribas.
And whether it was, on balance, a good thing to do, only time will tell.
On balance, I would rather have my co-philanthropists on the long side of this particular bet.
The argument required an extensive cross-examination of senior bank officials on balance sheets and earnings statements.
But, on balance, I always felt that there was something sunny about American faith in innovation.
On balance, it makes you wonder what the standards for financial journalism should be.
Though the calibre is mixed, his commission is on balance stronger than previous ones.
People could not trust what's on balance sheets, they can't trust the numbers that they're getting.
Only empirical research can determine whether, on balance, bankruptcy law helps or hurts entrepreneurs.
Admit mistakes and address headwinds, but on balance use more positive statements than negative ones.
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On balance, it thinks the chancellor has boosted growth between now and 2015 by 0.1%.
This approach, on balance, strikes me as extremely clever, although not without some concerns.
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On balance though, the fulfilment, and with luck demise, of the waiting-list pledge should be welcomed.
On balance, Mr Kerry seems to have come up with a promising energy policy.
Yet, on balance, India can look back with some pride at 50 years of democracy.
This must on balance be a benefit, otherwise the extended family would still be thriving now.
On balance, there is perhaps room for a cut in rates, but only a small one.
On balance, Brazilians pay 30.4 percent over the value of the vehicle just in taxes.
On balance, McCaw has usually pulled his irons out of the fire in the nick of time.
On balance globalization is perceived positively, whereas in the past the Swiss saw globalization as a threat.
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The daily advances in science and technology lend hope that on balance things can be even better.