Caregivers are often overwhelmed and being on call round-the-clock leaves their patience in tatters.
There are no limits on call times, and the resulting sessions occasionally resemble protracted talk therapy.
The growth of mobile phone use has had a dramatic impact on call handling.
Also hooked are the millions of wannabe rockers jamming on Guitar Hero and the battlers on Call of Duty.
They average 58 hours of work a week, and almost a third are on call on Sundays.
Even while the film was in post-production, the actor says he was still on call to handle "financial stuff".
Unless rates come down, India will lose out on call centres, a business that is expected to grow fast.
Even when I am on call and just working from home, my children experience the frustration of not having my undivided attention.
Spending time with Frank you are struck that he is always on call.
It has 4 million workers on call in 6, 600 offices in 70 countries.
Workers on such contracts are on call to work but can be given no hours and, as a result, no pay.
That way some part of the team can be available around the clock without requiring everyone to be on call.
Under the proposals three Plymouth fire engines, at Plympton, Plymstock, and Camel's Head, would be crewed on call rather than full-time.
He is the first on call when a country implodes to broker a peace deal -- Kenya (2007), Syria (2011), etc.
Expect to be on call for any crisis that ?arises, even if it conflicts with a long-planned, once-in-a-lifetime Mekong River cruise.
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Prince William will be absent because he is on call with his search and rescue squadron at RAF Valley on Anglesey.
"There's this pressure to be on call outside of the office, either at your house or while you're on vacation, " she says.
Activision and EA are intertwined in the Infinity Ward and Respawn Games litigation that focuses on Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.
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Torquay's second fire engine would also be cut from full time to on call, as would the second fire engine in Taunton.
This bill will keep cops on the beat, and firefighters on call.
Dr. Louis Chaykin, who was on call that night to treat another patient, remembers seeing Edwarda and her mother in the emergency room.
Bloch has admitted to hiring the computer servicing company, Geeks on Call, to purge his computer and two of his deputies' computers in 2006.
Being on call all the time is not easy, but with only 300 patients, there are very few calls and most are appropriate and timely.
"It'll be more maternity leave than work for the next couple of weeks, " she said, adding that she will be on call for important matters.
Swenson, her former teacher, was the doctor on call the night that caused Singh, then a medical resident, to change the course of her career.
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Because parties can muster fewer volunteers to canvas door-to-door and lick envelopes, both Labour and Conservatives relied last year on call centres and automated messages.
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George for her customer-focused approach, which extended to personally telephoning at least five customers a week, visiting branches and listening in on call center conversations.
Ilfracombe's fire station faces being cut from day-crewed to on call.
It's a state of being, and like a doctor who delivers babies, I'm on call all the time because that's the kind of work this is.