Nayder says it ties in very well with the ancient Roman tradition of honoring vegetation on May Day.
On May Day, the highway to the Badaling section of the Great Wall was jammed for more than five hours.
Fixed brokerage commission rates were abolished on "May Day" in 1975.
In 2009 a trip had been arranged to a theme park for the sixth year's last day on 13 May and their last day in the school building was 12 May.
With Plaid optimistic of success, Mr Wigley has even pledged to go on the wagon until polling day on May 6.
On that particular May day, the overwhelming majority of the protesting barristers were men.
For the silent conservative Hispanic base, the right move on Election Day may be to stay home.
It is not doing this out of philanthropy, but rather to keep tabs on what may one day be an interesting business opportunity.
For the first 100 guests who visit participating restaurants nationwide on that day, it may be a cold day in Hell, but a fiery-fun-time at Red Robin!
Lecturers at 290 colleges across England and Wales went on strike for a day in May and further action is on the cards if the ballot goes the way the union's leadership has recommended.
May God grant us the strength and courage to find those responsible for this and bring them to justice and may the world never forget what has happened on this day so that it may never happen again to ANYONE!!!
The final offering price was set on May 17, the day before the IPO.
WSJ: Morgan Stanley Was 'Driver' on Facebook's Wild IPO Ride
On the day after the French referendum on May 29th, the euro lost over a cent.
Wynn ( WYNN) has been crushed since the Outside BEARISH day on May 2nd.
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We are not likely to get either on May 14, the day Sharp is expected to announce.
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Votes will begin to be counted at 1600 BST on 6 May, the day after the poll.
Whatever happens, it seems now that the race will go down to the season's final day on May 19.
My first stock-picking venture last year came on May 18, the day of the frenzied Facebook initial public offering.
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The green bars represent the total return from the closing price on May 22nd, the day the article was published.
With both in hand, the business of understanding what goes on inside cells may one day become an easier ride.
The three men flew to London on 4 May, the day after the tests were completed, and bought shares in Heritage Oil.
On May 7th, a day before the budget, Fair Work Australia, a workplace tribunal, presented an explosive report after a three-year inquiry.
On the day before Aaron died on 5 May 2005, Lewis left the baby with Lloyd for about 15 minutes to go shopping.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South West Wales | Mother allowed baby son's murder
On May 9th, the day after Colonel Nicholson's apology, the pro-American governor of Helmand province said 21 civilians had been killed in air strikes there.
There are, however, suggestions that public sector workers may protest on the day against the effects of government cuts, including pay freezes and job losses.
To demonstrate just how unfazed he was by the American ultimatum, Mr Netanyahu announced that he would be convening his full cabinet only on May 10th, one day before the deadline.
On May 30th, the day after Mr Obasanjo was sworn in as president, militant Ijaw youths in the delta attacked Itsekiri villages just across the water from a large Chevron oil plant.
Some of those training at Bordeaux's school and pumping iron on the beach may one day make it onto the professional wrestling circuit, earning the right to wear the wrestler's traditional pre-fight regalia.
"I want you to be awake to the fact that the children, the women, the boys and girls that we see on TV every day may be your sons and daughters, may be your brothers and sisters, may be your parents, " he said.
Giving evidence police analyst Joe Tilbury told how content from Mick Philpott's phone between 1 May and the day of the fire on 11 May could not be recovered by specialists.