Other work, collected by Circadian Information, a consultancy in Cambridge, Massachusetts, suggests people who work on shifts also suffer more ill health.
Provide regular updates on shifts in the external environment (markets, competition, regulations, etc.) and when things change, explain why you will still win.
It provides layers of observations on local shifts in the environment relevant to climate change issues today.
Workers on night shifts generally get less sleep, and sleep of worse quality, than day workers.
For a garment outfit, utterly dependent on whimsical shifts in public tastes, this was an outrageously high price.
"It was pure adrenaline, " said Ruhwedel, who logged 13 minutes on 18 shifts.
Others focus on technical shifts in the demand for bonds, such as pension funds' increased desire for longer-duration assets.
Even as the Shanghai factory runs on three shifts, its first joint venture in the rust belt city of Shenyang remains a morass.
Joint managing director Ian Thurgood said last year the business put on triple shifts for the first time, operating around the clock, to meet demand.
If Chrysler can sell enough of these new models to put its two U.S. car plants on three shifts, the profit will keep pouring in.
Therefore, many expect further JPY weakening on the back of aggressive accommodative policy shifts on both the fiscal and monetary fronts.
It identified market shifts, jumped on them and rode those shifts from goat to glory.
"They said alright, you can take over your nightshift on Friday night and we'll alter the reliefs to go back onto their shifts on the Saturday morning, " he recalled.
But though Jeffords' decision changes the political landscape in Washington, existing bipartisan agreement on many technology policy issues means that there are likely to be few immediate, substantive shifts on questions such as an Internet sales tax, online privacy, intellectual property or telecommunications regulation.
The homes are on a seismic fault that on rare occasions shifts, said CNN meteorologist Chad Myers.
Again, the Census determines -- the Census based on obvious population shifts determines reapportionment and representation in Congress.
Companies running supermarkets or telephone help-lines routinely use part-timers on their day shifts.
The trick is to be there, and to have a clear vision and business to capitalize on those seismic shifts.
The company will continue trying to match production to underlying demand by eliminating shifts on a plant-by-plant basis where necessary.
The fun starts when you look at the details, with significant year-on-year shifts in views of China within different countries.
The bonus would be given to staff on top of their normal weekend shift pay, which would vary depending on what other shifts they had done that week.
BBC: Ipswich Hospital nurses offered ?50 vouchers for weekends
But focusing on market value and significance shifts the conversation away from where it actually needs to be, that is, on productivity.
FORBES: Yankees-Jeter Negotiations: A Need To Focus On Productivity
But the third one is that there's some bigger power shifts going on here.
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At Logan, firefighters on 24-hour shifts have three training modules to complete every day.
WSJ: Airplane Fires: Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport's Firefighter Training
The new plant will have up to three thousand workers on ten-hour shifts, twenty hours a day.
The shifts, on the isolated islet of the Calf of Man, run for about a week at a time.
BBC: Calf of Man islet rat-cull project calls for volunteers
It shifts depending on how the debate is framed: the more you talk about equal rights under the law, the greater the support for civil unions.