Sure, once in a while, on special occasions, I'll throw a cookie or two in the bag.
Besides being a cash crop, it is used as medicine and, as part of tribal culture, smoked on special occasions.
Shark fin soup is a delicacy reserved for the wealthy on special occasions and it has been part of Chinese culture for centuries.
Material mom Madonna has taken to decorating herself with mehndi, the intricate henna-painting that women use to adorn their hands and feet on special occasions.
Maybe I am too frugal, but I now know many women who buy designer shoes and wear them only once or twice on special occasions.
In 1985 he went freelance, working regularly for a handful of families who wanted help on special occasions such as formal dinners and shooting weekends.
Before Yemenis began migrating to the Gulf for jobs, or profiting from Yemen's own modest oil boom, qat was a luxury for the rich on special occasions.
But I know that if I'm eating the right things -- and I tell my girls this -- if you're getting the right foods for most of the time, then when it's time to have cake and french fries on those special occasions, then you balance it out.
Perhaps you are used to visiting on holidays or special occasions only.
On multiple occasions he then claims to have special information that he cannot or will not reveal and concludes by warning customers and investors away from ZAGG.
There he opened it out on the table (reserved for entertaining the Boss and celebrating special family occasions) and carefully lifted the Lindbergh portraits from the tracing paper protecting each drawing and lined them up on the tabletop.
The special forces on the ground and the CIA called for backup but it was denied on several occasions.