• In Eagle Butte, the largest community on the reservation, a bustling construction site is a new source of pride.

    CNN: King: Life is bare bones on the Lakota reservation

  • We want new businesses and new opportunities to take root on the reservation.

    WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event

  • So Ms Fire Thunder then supported an initiative to create a new independent health clinic on the reservation, to be called Sacred Choices.

    ECONOMIST: Abortion law in South Dakota

  • "When it comes down to a vote, a lot of the urban representatives, I don't think they really know the plight on the reservation, " Bryce In the Woods said.

    CNN: King: Life is bare bones on the Lakota reservation

  • If tribal leaders give the OK, the tool could be circulated among the approximately 2, 600 tribal members who live on the reservation, as well as those who have moved away.

    NPR: To Save Endangered Languages, Tribes Turn To Tech

  • If the cost of cigarettes is roughly equivalent in the local Mom and Pop store as it is on the reservation, the incentive to travel to Seneca Nation (or other tribe) territory is arguably lost.

    FORBES: New York Fight Keeps Court Dockets Smoking

  • Most people have a modern house elsewhere on the reservation, and so the time spent living in the Pueblo is for intense religious rituals, for learning how to live in the traditional ways, to become selfsufficient.

    BBC: New Mexico��s alien nation

  • My father, so thin and athletic, looked almost frail with shock, while my mother, whose beauty was still remarkable, and who was known on the reservation for her silence and reserve, had left off her characteristic gravity.

    NEWYORKER: The Reptile Garden

  • At the end of May, the tribal council met when Ms Fire Thunder was out of town and voted not only to ban all abortions on the reservation, but also to suspend temporarily Ms Fire Thunder herself.

    ECONOMIST: Abortion law in South Dakota

  • The presence of a clinic that offered abortions on the reservation might well have been challenged legally, without an outright ban: the Oglala Sioux tribal code says, rather ambiguously, that a child subsequently born is protected from conception onwards.

    ECONOMIST: Abortion law in South Dakota

  • Tribal police, prosecutors, and courts have had significant success in combating crimes of domestic violence committed by Indians in Indian Country, but tribes cannot prosecute a non-Indian, even if he lives on the reservation and is married to a tribal member.

    WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

  • In other news, an anonymous Apple Store employee has done some homework and tallied up average reservation numbers at other US stores -- he estimates about 800 people on average are on the reservation list per Apple Store (ranging from a couple hundred to well over a thousand), which amounts to about 200, 000 reservations as of now, a number he believes could double before launch.

    ENGADGET: iPhone 3G S pre-orders start shipping, reservations estimated in the hundreds of thousands

  • Unemployment on the Hualapai reservation, although lower than in the past, varies between 20% and 40% depending on the season, according to Waylon Honga, who runs the corporation.

    ECONOMIST: Indian tribes and casinos

  • Ms Cobell and her seven siblings grew up in a one-bedroom house on the Blackfeet reservation without electricity, telephones or running water.

    ECONOMIST: Justice for Indians

  • His professional career began with the Bureau of Indian Affairs in Browning, Montana as a Soil Conservationist working with Indian livestock producers on the Blackfeet Reservation.

    WHITEHOUSE: Ross racine | The White House

  • One lane of the M4 westbound, in the same place, will be shut on Tuesday and Wednesday night to create a safety zone while work is carried out on the central reservation.

    BBC: Stretch of M4 bus lane opens to all motorists

  • Last week, hostility against the liquor stores on the edge of the reservation (booze is banned within it) erupted after the bodies of Ronald Hard Heart and Wilson Black Elk were found decomposing in a ditch near the stores.

    ECONOMIST: Indian reservations

  • As the government tried to foreclose on them, they noticed that the delinquency rate was skyrocketing among the other farmers and ranchers on their reservation, and on others across the country.

    NPR: Native American Farmers Allege Loan Bias

  • Of the 150 or so on the Fort Berthold Reservation who were initially members of the class-action lawsuit, they say only a very small fraction are still actively engaged in agriculture.

    NPR: Native American Farmers Allege Loan Bias

  • As I grew up, I took that life back to the reservation and my negative influence on the community eventually lead to my extradition from the reservation.

    WHITEHOUSE: Overcoming Life Struggles with Fatherhood in the Tribal Community | The White House

  • I. agents in a 1975 shootout on the Pine Ridge reservation, in South Dakota.

    NEWYORKER: Incident at Oglala

  • There gullies on the four rivers that vein the reservation's 930, 000 unfenced hectares attract antelope, mule and whitetail deer, turkey, coyote and grouse.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • This time out, Walt and his close friend Henry Standing Bear are drawn into a murder investigation after they see a young Crow woman fall to her death on the Northern Cheyenne reservation.

    CNN: 'Longmire' gallops from page to screen

  • She began working with beads and sewing as a child on the La Jolla Luiseno Reservation in California, and at 22, became the youngest artist to earn best in show at New Mexico's Santa Fe Market, the largest crafts fair in Indian Country.


  • Growing up on the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation, Yellowtail's aunties taught her how to bead and make shawls in the tradition of her people, the Crow and Cheyenne who share the vast tribal territory.


  • The Wyoming Department of Revenue, along with other states and many cities, has taken on the on-line reservation companies over how those taxes are computed.

    FORBES: Wyoming Beats The On-line Companies On Room Tax

  • On my very first trip with my new State FFA officers in 2005, we stopped at an elementary school on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation to ask for directions to the high school.

    WHITEHOUSE: Bridging FFA Chapters

  • The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) agreed to purchase all of the electricity generated by the K Road Moapa Solar plant, a 250-megawatt project slated to be built on the Moapa River Paiute Reservation, located northeast of Las Vegas.

    FORBES: Obama Administration Clears Barriers Holding Up Tribal Renewable Energy

  • "It's the same as buying on an Indian reservation, " says Brock Squire, the owner of Coldwell Banker La Costa in Puerto Vallarta.

    FORBES: A casa of your own

  • Call in advance to secure a place on a walk, which begins daily at 10 am (except Sundays) at the Rail Reservation Centre on Chelmsford Road.

    BBC: Child��s play amid Delhi��s chaos

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