As with the senior elite competition, the Youth Olympics are held once every four years.
"There is a big focus once every four years on the Paralympics, " said Davies.
BBC: SPORT | Other Sport | Paralympics | Athens advances Paralympics
Under that format, teams will be guaranteed to play each other at least once every four years.
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The event, held once every four years, is expected to draw more than 45, 000 scouts and adults.
Fields medals are only awarded once every four years but the organisers give four medals at each ceremony.
Maine shortly afterwards passed a law that requires parties to reach 5% only once every four years instead of every two.
Today is a special day that only happens once every four years.
The Lions team assembles just once every four years, so a lack of cohesion is likely in the initial stages of a tour.
Part of the optimistic sales outlook is because of the world-wide popularity of World Cup Soccer, which benefits the company once every four years.
It is an astronomical sum for any athlete, much less an athlete in a sport that the general public pays attention to only once every four years.
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Mr Tyrie has also called on independent reviews of the effectiveness of the ring-fence proposals across all banks to take place at least once every four years.
Our planners, media and thinking people focus on this topic once every four years, and usually a day before the Olympics -- as if it were a periodic celestial event!
She took on so many assignments that she has had to move her family an average of once every four years since joining the legacy Lockheed Corporation in 1983 (eight moves in all).
It only comes around once every four years.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Vice President Biden Honor Iraq Veterans | The White House
Praised for introducing Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninoff to a younger generation when he became well-known, Cliburn also helped nurture the careers of younger musicians through the Van Cliburn International Music Competition, which was set up in 1962 and occurs once every four years.
Unlike tennis players or golfers who have regular and highly visible opportunities to win championships, most Olympic competitors, be they runners, swimmers or gymnasts, have a chance only once every four years to get the public's attention and gain the sponsorship opportunities that come with it.
Any given bit of the coast seems likely to be hit by a hurricane of category four or five (the worst sort), on average, once every 300 years.