I've become a case-study in VC fossilization, a Luddite one-liner, like Ken Olsen and the PC.
The origin of this was a funny one-liner told at computer conferences in the 1990s.
' We give them a little one-liner to get them from being confused to understanding the concept.
Ferreira recalls a one-liner from the late Brazilian humorist known as Basunda(ph), who was especially beloved in Rio.
"Tout nouveau, " he tells me from his restaurant in Lyon, adding a one-liner that makes the translator laugh.
He famously responded, "I'm just hoping the coach doesn't dismiss me, " a one-liner he came to regret when Tressel was later forced to resign.
This is now gospel for action movies in which, after a high-speed chase scene, a character cracks a cheap one-liner to defuse the audience.
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It sounds like atonal music, or so goes the joke, a one-liner as inescapable as the popular response to abstract art: My child could paint that.
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What matters most is not the closely drawn intellectual argument about rival policy platforms, but the body language and the pithy one-liner that sums up an opponent's faults.
To adapt the queen's one-liner: for all that the spectacle and unattainable glamour of royalty still fascinates (and helps sell books), for Britain's jubilee monarch the show is a means to an end.
The voice acting and the script are by far the worst either has ever been in the series, and Cortana, alternating between malicious corrupted AI and a one-liner delivering sarcasm machine, grows tiresome.
The 500-foot Spanish luxury liner (the largest wreck in Bermuda's waters) was one of the fastest boats in her day.
Mooring a liner on the River Lagan is one possibility that was discounted but the potential use of pop-up hotels is a short-term solution being examined.