All one hundred and thirty-four factory workers joined the strike, which began in August of 2008.
NEWYORKER: Out of the Bronx
One patient had three hundred and twenty-four admissions in five years.
NEWYORKER: The Hot Spotters
One-hundred percent of the four citizens 18 and older (the "bio children") are non-Hispanic whites.
CNN: I see America's diverse future--in my house
He was determined to own some of those little brutes and on the second day he bought four of them for one hundred dollars even, bringing Stonehill down from his asking price of one hundred and forty dollars.
NPR: Excerpt: 'True Grit'
On December 14, 1911, one hundred years ago, Roald Amundsen, and a small team of four others, accomplished what no one else had ever done before: they reached the South Pole.
FORBES: South to the Pole: Leadership Wins the Race
He helped him navigate meetings with investors, took him to visit Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore, and set him up with lawyers to get him an O-1 visa, for exceptional persons, which might allow him to stay in the U.S. Ternovskiy planned a trip to Las Vegas and bought a bike, a nice one, for twenty-four hundred dollars.
NEWYORKER: Roulette Russian
In the fall of 2011, he sold two Mongolian oviraptor nests for more than three hundred and fifty dollars each, a tyrannosaurus ileum for five hundred and sixty-one dollars, a tyrannosaurus tooth for three hundred and twenty-five dollars, and a tyrannosaurus tail vertebra for four hundred and ten dollars.
NEWYORKER: Bones of Contention