The ditch cleaved frogtown into two realms, and two powerful spirits held sway, one on each side.
One place they found a difference was in the amygdalae, two almond-shaped clumps of cells deep in the brain, one on each side.
The two holes allowed Gross to insert hollow tubes called cannulas, which created a pathway for the DBS electrodes -- one on each side of the brain.
They carried him on their shoulders, held him, one on each side, to let him ride a pony, steadied him in a stream to feel the icy water on the rocks beneath his feet.
Aircraft installations of the new technology will typically take place overnight and will require the installation of two antennas, one on each side of the aircraft, installation of a second modem and a software upgrade.
ENGADGET: Gogo launches next-gen in-flight internet, with better speeds and more capacity
We actually have five days, and one day on each side.
FORBES: Small Odd Primes: Why We Love Numbers Three, Five, and Seven
Going through the process, she does one side and blows her nose, and uses a full bottle of solution on each side.
For instance, the first presentation might be of four cards, each with a number on one side and a colour on the other.
Coins issued last year by five nations in Central Africa, each bearing an elephant on one side, were tailored to fit local preferences.
Buffett chose in his letter to create the visual image of congealing all the gold ever mined in the history of the world into one huge cube that would measue 68 feet on each side.
Also, collateral requirements for each side would increase such that if one investor's position goes awry, the individual on the other side of the trade can be made whole.
The other established approach is to take two wafers of silicon, coat each with a thin layer of glass on one side (which is done by baking them in oxygen), and then fuse them together to produce a silicon-glass-silicon sandwich.
Among the other factors in the tight nature of the Atlantic race: Each of the teams has an established identity on one side of the ball or the other.
The problem involves creating a golden-side-up stack of pancakes out of all different size pancakes, each of which is burned one side, with the largest pancake on the bottom tapering up to the smallest on top.
ENGADGET: Bacteria computer is good at math, even those pesky story problems
Typically, this involves one jab in front of each ear and another at the angle of the jaw on each side of the face.
They saunter along, stopping to greet each other, popping in and out of the gracious terracotta buildings backed on one side by the tangled gardens of Villa Borghese park.
We both discovered that there was only one way we could sit beside each other without a fight, and that was with me on his right side and him on my left.
Imagine having a group of display cubes when it comes time to plan the seating chart for a reception -- each cube could represent one individual, with a color-coded background and a name or photo up top, with different descriptive elements on each side.
ENGADGET: OLED Display Blocks pack six 128 x 128 panels, we go hands-on at MIT (video)