For example, learning the arcana of California disability law requires the same amount of time and expense for one employee as for one thousand.
One of the most beloved pieces Matisse made during those last few years is an abstract take on "One Thousand and One Nights, " the famed collection of Middle Eastern folk tales relayed by the fictional Scheherazade each evening to avoid death at the hands of a murderous Persian king.
He said this progress was "down to one thousand additional officers" on Scotland's streets.
Watson is over one thousand times faster than a 1980s state-of-the-art defense department supercomputer.
FORBES: IBM's Watson Jeopardy Stunt Unleashes a Third Great Cycle in Computing
One thousand machines are supposed to be in place by the end of next year.
In the days leading up to Valentine's Day, it will fly one thousand tons of roses.
Over the years, nearly one thousand unique, and often threatened, heritage properties have been identified.
Officials are estimating up to one thousand deaths though no official death toll has been released.
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One thousand British troops are now in position around the Lungi airport to the city's north.
Of the roughly one thousand agents evaluated by the agency exactly one is in this category.
FORBES: How Activism Distorts The Assessment Of Health Risks
In the first three months, the Times attracted two hundred and eighty-one thousand digital subscribers.
One thousand school children between the ages of 15-18 will participate by doing one of the experiments.
One thousand-year-old example survives to this day, with the inscription "Gebereht owns me" clearly visible on its blade.
One thousand people a day are currently visiting the place - twice the budgeted figure for this period.
She says it will significantly reduce the one hundred thousand minutes of delays caused by the weather each year.
Close to one thousand submissions were received in the competition for ideas on how mobile communication can help achieve EFA goals.
Undercover Nurse follows on from the broadcast of A Carer's Story in 2003, which generated nearly one thousand calls, letters and emails.
If this is so, the loop could be generating high-energy particles with an energy of up to one thousand trillion electron volts.
One thousand journalists and topic experts produce content with highly customized tools.
One thousand calories at McDonald's (nyse: MCD - news - people ) doesn't taste the same as 1, 000-calorie foie gras.
One thousand pupils aged 15 to 18 tested the local water, measuring salinity and acidity, and learning how it is filtered and distilled.
One thousand lumens from a CFL is visually harsh and makes food (and people) look ugly, compared with the same 1, 000 from Edison's incandescence.
One thousand five hundred people died when the Belfast built ship sank after striking an iceberg in the Atlantic Ocean a few days later.
Our Layoff Tracker follows job cuts at companies on The Forbes 500s and the Forbes International 500--more than one thousand of the world's biggest companies.
At six shows an hour, five hours a day, five days a week, forty weeks a year, that works out to at least eighty-one thousand pockets picked.
One thousand people have signed up for a guided walk to the Tower of Refuge in aid of the RNLI, according to the Douglas Development Partnership (DDP).
The state's giant landowners had made a travesty of the Jeffersonian ideal of 160 acres, assembling dominions that ballooned to one thousand times or more that size.
The OfficeTeam report is based on responses from over one-thousand senior executives at mid-to-large sized companies, along with replies from more than four-hundred workers employed in office environments.
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Getting there took hours upon hours of flight time, one thousand miles north of now oil-boom-town Edmonton, Alberta, flying over an unending expanse of trees, lakes and rocky mineral-laden terrain.
Twenty-one thousand Pakistani rupees for a four-kilo package, the farmer said, and he harvested three to four kilos per jirib (a local land measurement equivalent to about half an acre).