The Darkness returned to the charts with their new single One Way Ticket at number eight.
Yet another study has come out showing that having children is, for women at least, a one way ticket to the poorhouse.
She sublet her Birmingham apartment, gave her car to her brother and bought a one-way ticket to Seattle.
Number Two: he flew to Paris, he bought a one-way ticket from Paris to Florida.
And perhaps unlike most of the entrepreneurs though, it would be a one-way ticket for them.
One, completing a round trip, and the other, it's off on a one-way ticket.
Successful trading is hard work, and any other line of thinking is a one-way ticket to failure.
Look for somebody who's bought a one-way ticket, or look for somebody who's bought a round trip ticket.
Among the red flags were that Reid bought a one-way ticket with cash and had no checked luggage.
He also warned that leaving the European Union would be a "one-way ticket" with no option of return.
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When he didn't get any replies, he bought a one-way ticket to Beijing.
The study looks for seats at the basic award level, usually 12, 500 miles for a domestic one-way ticket, for example.
Also according to the complaint, Shahzad returned to the United States via a one-way ticket from Pakistan on February 3.
"I know when your cows are infected there's only a one-way ticket and they are going to be slaughtered, " he said.
Not getting cast at all can mean a one-way ticket back home.
Police University (CPU) is usually a one-way ticket to the fast track.
In 2008, Browning purchased a one-way ticket to Buenos Aires, with a small bag and the intention of producing some small photo documentaries.
He was reportedly carrying a one-way ticket to India, although his family insist he was travelling home to see his wife and newborn daughter.
For example, a one-way ticket costs half the points of a return ticket on British Airways, but Lufthansa charges three-fourths of a full ticket's worth.
So before you give your heart away and you lay it on the line, make sure you got a one-way ticket on old Heartbreak Number Nine.
But employees are more likely to get a one-way ticket and become local hires who have to cover their own living expenses once they hit the ground.
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And the result will be more discipline problems in school, which will lead to folks dropping out, and that is nothing but a one-way ticket to jail.
"The fact that this individual showed up with a one-way ticket, purchased with cash and no checked baggage -- he should have been pulled aside, " said security expert Larry Berg, a consultant with Berg Associates.
Like the sound of ice clattering in the cocktail shaker, or the first whiff of charcoal smoke from the grill, that first sip of cool soup is a one-way ticket away from the labors of the day.
When they get home tonight there will be civil servants and Liberal Democrats who will secretly raise a glass and hope that yours is a one-way ticket to the United States and not just a year's sabbatical.
He had never been on a plane before 1995, when he left his native Orissa, India, at age 23 with a one-way ticket to Logan, Utah, to pursue a master's degree in economics on an academic scholarship to Utah State University.
Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab, the man accused of trying to blow up a U.S. airliner bound for Detroit, Michigan, had a one-way ticket from Accra, Ghana, to Lagos, Nigeria, and a round-trip ticket for his trip from Lagos to the Netherlands and then to Detroit, according to the Nigerian Aviation Authority.